Friday, June 27, 2014


Powerful words from George Will. Thought provoking.


The Santa Maria may have been found! Wow! This news report motivates us to go back to the dusty books of history and remember the travels and discoveries of Christopher Columbus. His discoveries led to the destruction of many natives ...of North America and yet paved the way for a new opportunity and life for others. A truly mixed bag of good and evil.

Such is the history of humanity. Only one man ever lived that was pure from birth to death and who only did good for all the world. Although, many have done the most terrible deeds in His name.

I think we can appreciate the success and contributions of Christopher Columbus without endorsing the wrongs that followed him. I also believe we should recognize the wrongs in his work, his followers and the suffering of many because of his discoveries. We must always strive for truth. Follow truth wherever it leads. Be not deceived!

Often many seek to be romantics in their study of history. They searched for glory and honor when in reality there existed only death and shame. They searched for scandal when there was good. They are blinded by their own sordid prejudices. This we must face.

Learn from history and seek the truths that it might provide. Always realize that truth is a big combination of good and evil, of joy and sorrow, and pleasure and suffering. It is the story of riches and poverty. It is the reality of history!

Perhaps in our study of history we can learn things so that we might avoid many of the wrongs of the past. Is such an endeavor possible? I am not so sure. For each generation seems to constantly repeat the same terrible mistakes of the past. However, I can hope!



There are those in the body of Christ who know some facts about the Bible. However, they do not understand people and how to effectively talk to people about Jesus. I have noticed even preachers who know some ...facts about the Word but who know nothing of the nature of humanity and how to properly communicate to people. It is amazing.

N.B. Hardeman, past President and co-founder of Freed-Hardeman College use to say that effective preachers need to know the Bible and they need to know people. Both talents are needed or you will be a failure as a preacher and as personal worker.

We are not born with communication skills. We must learn these. We must learn successful techniques of communication so we can be effective in presenting God's Word.

We need preachers and personal workers who know the whole truth of the Bible and who can effectively explain such to people. Many may have to unlearn some things before they can truly learn what is needed.

I suggest a detailed study of how Jesus communicated to people. He is the Master! See His patience, His sympathy, and His mercy. The ones He spoke the strongest too were the Pharisees. Those that added their opinions to the Law and made such equal to the Law. Interesting.

It seems to me certain ideas that are so false, get passed around from generation to generation, and are adopted by new generations as if they were true, and then applied and thus cause much harm. We need to start questioning ideas and practices and seek the real truth.

God help us all.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


Today, June 18, 2014 ABC on one of its morning shows reported THE TOP SIX BOOKS THAT HAVE IMPACTED OUR AGE. Here they are:






THE HOLY BIBLE IS STILL NUMBER ONE. More copies of the Bible have been sold and distributed around the world than any other book in all of human history. It was true hundreds of years ago and it is still true.

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."
(Matthew 24:35).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


Christianity was founded on the power and glory of one person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus was the heart and soul of Christianity in the first century.
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." (Acts 4:13).
"But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went." (Acts 8:4).
Look at the reaction at the preaching of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 7:28 the crowds were amazed at his teaching.
Matthew 22:33 (TLB) the crowds were profoundly impressed.
Mark 11:18 (TLB) - people were so enthusiastic about Jesus' teaching.
Mark 12:37 (NASB) - The great crowd enjoyed listening to Him.
Whether you agree with Rick Warren or not, one thing is clear he is very smart and has some good insights on the preaching of Jesus that could be of help to us all. He has said some things that we in churches of Christ should have been saying a long time ago. I love truth and I appreciate it wherever it is to be found. Truth does not belong to the church of Christ but to God and is dispensed all over the world. Many people capture truth that we may neglect. Here is what Rick Warren has said about the preaching of Jesus that I find most interesting.

1. "Jesus Began With Peoples Needs, Hurts, and Interests. Our basic message to the lost must be good news. Crowds always flock to Good News. Wise teachers know to start with the students interests and move them toward the lesson. Because preachers are called to communicate truth, we often mistakenly assume that unbelievers are eager to hear the truth. They aren't! Unbelievers aren't that interested in truth these days. In fact, surveys show that the majority of Americans reject the idea of absolute truth.

This is the source of all the problems in our society. People dont value truth. Today people value tolerance more than truth. People complain about crime, drug abuse, the breakup of the family, and other problems of our culture, but they dont realize the cause of it all is their rejection of truth.
Moral relativism is the root of what is wrong in our society. But it is a big mistake for us to think that unbelievers will race to church if we just proclaim, We have the truth!

Their reaction will more likely be, Yeah, so does everybody else! Proclaimers of truth dont get much attention in a society that devalues truth. To overcome this, some preachers try to Yell it like it is. But preaching louder isnt the solution to this apathy. It starts by being wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

2. "While most unbelievers arent looking for truth, they are looking for relief. This gives us the opportunity to interest them in truth. Ive found that when I teach the truth that relieves their pain or solves their problem, unbelievers say, Thanks! What else is true in that book? Sharing biblical principles that meet a need creates a hunger for more truth. "
3. Jesus understood this. Very few of the people who came to Jesus were looking for truth. They were looking for relief. So Jesus would meet their felt needs, whether leprosy, blindness, or a bent back. After their felt needs were met, they were always anxious to know the truth about this man. He had helped them with a problem they couldnt solve.

Ephesians 4:29 says, ...[speak] only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Notice that who we are speaking to determines what we are to say (this has nothing to do with compromising the message and everything to do with understanding the needs of your listeners). The needs of those listening decide the content of our message. We are to speak ONLY what benefits those we are speaking to. If this is Gods will for our conversations, it must also be Gods will for our sermons.

4. Unfortunately, it seems that many pastors determine the content of their messages by what they feel they need to say rather than what the people need to hear.
Read all of Rick Warren's article here:

Dr. Owen H. Clopton

Dr. Owen H. Clopton

  (February 19, 1933 - June 24, 2014)

Owen H. Clopton, M.D, 81, of Jonesboro passed from this life Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at St. Bernard’s Medical Center. Dr. Clopton was the founder of the Clopton Clinic in Jonesboro. All arrangements are incomplete at this time but will be announced by Emerson Funeral Home.
My heart was made sad to learn of the death of Dr. Owen H. Clopton. My memories of him go back to when I was 17 years old and my family and I were attending the Nettleton congregation here in Jonesboro. I decided to attend Freed-Hardeman College. Brother Clopton was there encouraging me all the way. Later I entered in the walkathon to raise money for Freed-Hardeman to build their new auditorium. Dr. Clopton was there to give me a very nice contribution to help me.
As the years edged onward, I remember my beloved grandmother having Dr. Clopton as her doctor and how he tenderly cared for her. She would always talk of him in the most respectful terms.
Over the years I would mail him things I had written and asked his advice. He was always helpful. If he did not agree with me, I would always pause and consider well what he said. He always added to my understanding and knowledge.

On occasion over the past few years I would visit Southwest. I would always seek out where Dr. Clopton was sitting and sit there beside him. He and his wife were most friendly and loving to my wife and I and he always said something to me that encouraged me.
I remember back a few years ago Southwest was using the book, THE STORY. Jimmy Adcox was preaching through the Bible using this book as a study guide. I said something to the effect that I need to get a copy of that book. Dr. Clopton quickly gave me his copy. I was most honored. He had been using it all year and had read it thoroughly. I asked him to sign it for me. Here is what he wrote, "To Allen--love--Owen H. Clopton." I shall treasure this book and his words to me for as long as I live.

In 2012 my beloved Aunt Sue Ashlock passed away. She had been a most faithful nurse and worked in association with Dr. Clopton. Dr. Clopton came to the Hospice house to visit Sue. I remember on her last day of life with us, Dr. Clopton sitting by her bedside. He sit there for quite some time. He held her hand. He felt her pulse. He tenderly gazed upon her. He at one point said after checking her pulse, "It will not be long now." Then, as he left the room, he looked back and said, "Oh to have lived such a life." He was kind and gracious to all of us. I shall never forget him sitting there by her bed holding her hand. What a picture.

Dr. Clopton saved lives and made life better for a countless number of people. His great mind, love, kindness and wisdom have blessed so many. My memories of him and my warm impressions are indeed shared by legions.

I use the Clopton Clinic here in Jonesboro for my medical care. It gives me joy and comfort when I walk in the main lobby and see the beautiful portrait of Dr. Clopton. It will now have new meaning for me and many others as we see the portrait and are reminded of this great and good man. I remember the dedication of the Clopton Clinic and when this portrait was unveiled. When Dr. Clopton first saw it, tears filled his eyes.

I look at Dr. Clopton as a very good man, a very great man, and a man that I can think of in my memory as one that I am so glad I have known.

Thank you, Dr. Clopton. Thank you for your service to mankind, thank you for your faith in Jesus, and thank you for your dedication and service to the church. I thank you for being my friend and for the encouragement in life you have given me. God bless you and hold you in His arms. I am sure that even now you rejoice with good health, peace and joy! Your love and faith now shines bright in glory!  *Allen Ashlock, 2014


We walk this earth for such a brief moment of time. As we live our lives from birth to the grave we collect this and that. In my house here I have many things that mean a great deal to me. Old portraits hang on the wall, historical items are here and there, many, many books stacked in book shelves, my stamp collection, and other items in my desk drawer and here and there. Upon my death, I doubt that any of these items will be as important to others as they were to me.... These things now dear to me will pass to this one and that one and be circulated to many. Much of it might even be destroyed. Such is life.

We each pass this way but once and then it is over. We cross the stage of life but once and cannot retrace our steps. We must move on.

In thinking of all of this there is wisdom. We must see life not in the accumulation of things but in the living of life. Our life is really most valuable when we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Let us all press ahead with a strong and active faith to do God's will.
Let us all look at faith, love, grace, mercy, and truth as the greatest concepts and treasures of earth. It is in these great concepts that we shall find the true essence of life. Life is not about what we keep but what we surrender.

"Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." (Lk. 9:23).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


Check this article out.  As a student of history I have long observed that in every race and tribe of humans all over the earth, there is this mysterious inward searching for God. You can find no culture on earth, past or present where the desire to find God, know God, and worship in some form is void. Maybe this is the explanation for such. This longing for God is deep in the DNA of humans all over the earth. God forever touched the human genome and His imprint is on us all. Fascinating.


Oh, to live a spiritual life! What is it to live such a life? I fear in our culture we have Americanized Christianity to such a degree we now find it difficult if not impossible to see pure faith. Thank about that?

Culture is the world we live in and function. Culture involves our parents, our society, education, work, extended family, friends, peers, politics, entertainment, money, marketing, advertisements, language, world view, and a host of other things. Every nation has its own unique culture. Culture is powerful and shapes our personality, beliefs, and creates a filter whereby we sift everything else in life. Even as we approach the Bible, we do so through the eye glasses of our culture. We see the Bible and the Christian faith through the filter of our culture. We develop all kinds of beliefs and ideas that are really not in the text of the Scriptures but rather are a result of our cultural filtering system. We affirm boldly we are right about something and we scream to the high heavens that this and that must be done the way we so affirm or else it is sin. Other people reading the same Bible in their culture do not see what we see and are amazed that we cannot see what they see.

So, those that wish to escape the power of culture and read the Bible in its purity are up against a great wall. However, I believe we can overcome. I believe we can read the Bible and come to an understanding that will guide us safely from this life to the next and into the arms of Jesus!. If, I did not believe that then I would give up and turn to a life of complete secularism.

What can we do to escape the power of culture and its impact on our spiritual walk with God? First, we must recognize the powerful impact of culture in our lives. Second, we must meditate and pray about this. As I open my Bible, I often pray, "Oh Lord, please remove from my mind all bias and prejudice and help me see clearly your will." Third, we must be serious students of the Bible. We must think of the history of the Bible. Remember, the culture in which the Bible writers existed is so foreign to our world and time. You must study your Bible with the desire to glean from it the glory and light that God would wish to impart upon you. I believe the overall theme of the Bible can be stated as such: THE GLORY OF GOD, THE SALVATION OF MAN, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD." Every book of the Bible fits to this overall theme. The Bible tells me where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going. I look at the Bible as a message from the Spirit of God to me, seeking to communicate with me and to direct me through this maze of life to the other side. Fourth, you must ask yourself always, "why do I believe what I believe?" Think, think, think! Meditate! Why? Why? Your task on this earth is to overcome the many obstacles that Satan has set before you to prevent you from achieving the greatest prize of life: HEAVEN!
I believe a Christian can overcome the barriers of culture in blinding them to the real truth of God. I do believe that culture is not all bad. Culture makes our world so interesting. The diversity of humanity is a wondrous thing. I have studied the Hindu religion and learned much that blesses me today, such as the great connection of all life. I have studied Buddha and learned much of quiet mediation and peace. Islam has taught me that God's hand is in all things and my task is to fully surrender to His will. Do I accept the conclusions of these religions? No! I accept and honor Jesus Christ as the Son of God and only Savior of humanity. Jesus is my Lord. But, in becoming a Christian I did not turn off my brain. I am fascinated about life and all the diversity of humanity. I often ask, WHY?

So, how can I live a spiritual life for God? I weed through the culture of my times and look into His glorious Word to find the truth that sets me free. I look at nature and I see the fingerprints of God. I look at the universe and marvel at the power of the God, I call my Father. I look at the diversity of humanity and stand in awe of humans made in His image.

I seek to walk by faith, love, grace, mercy and absolute truth. I bow before the great "I AM". I shout glory and praise to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I seek to show such joy and love to everyone and share with them the GLORY THAT IS OF GOD!

"So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves." (Gal. 5:16).
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



As I watch the sad events of Iraq being played out, I like many Americans have many conflicting thoughts. First, I see huge mistakes in American foreign policy toward the middle east. There are consequences for na...tions when they make such big mistakes. Even great powers like America will have to pay for ignorance and political games that never had any hope of working from day one. Leaders today lack a moral compass of determination and conviction. They have no moral authority to stand upon. As a result they blunder from one event to the next.

I remember my history and I remember that the great Roman Empire also found itself mixed up in the middle eastern world. They were so occupied with the middle east that they overlooked the real enemies that they were facing. "Soon after Pompey had conquered Syria and Judea for Rome, Crassus, already one of the richest men in Rome, launched a campaign against Parthia in Mesopotamia (modern day Iran). He was defeated however, with great slaughter at Carrhae (53 B.C.)." So, Rome never did figure out the middle east. The United States which is the new Roman Empire of the 21st century has no better handle on the middle east than did ancient Rome.

I remember seeing Jimmy Carter with his failed global foreign policy and how he pulled the rug out from under the Shah of Iran. The Shah had been a great friend to the United States and kept Iran in balance. Once the Shah was removed we have had nothing but trouble from Iran and now they inch ever so close to nuclear weapons. Thank you Jimmy Carter.

People of the middle east respect power and a strong hand. They despise weakness. There is a great hatred toward the West and the United States in particular. They prefer their brand of government over anything we have to offer. This cycle of hate and distrust will take generations to change and even if we did all things well there is no guarantee of success. There is the shadow of Islam that clouds all things. It seems we as a people have little understanding of this religion and how it touches all the people of the middle east. War, death, and hate is at the core of 3,000 years of middle east history.

I remember George H.W. Bush and Desert Storm. There seemed to be some wisdom in this president who defeated the aggression of Iraq against Kuwait but then knew when to stop and maintain the delicate balance of power. Saddam Hussein with all his faults kept Iraq in check. Iraq under his leadership was a check to Iran. We failed in the removal of the Shah. But, Iraq kept Iran in balance. We failed again in the removal of Hussein and now we have a near global disaster. President George W. Bush in my view made a serious, strategic mistake in the invasion of Iraq and doing "nation building". Iraq as a nation died with our invasion. The average person of Iraq hates us more today than when Hussein was in power. We just do not understand! President Obama blundered even more by withdrawal of American troops way too soon. With a series of mistakes he has indeed worsen the crisis.

We must remember that the world of the Middle East is basically a world of Islam. Freedom is not their main desire. Their desire is for the pleasure of Allah as they see such. They the people are most comfortable with a dictator who is all Muslim rather than any American (infidel) puppet government. Any government we establish in the Middle East will always fall. It is the clash between two civilizations and two opposite views of "God". The Western world puts God in some compartment. The Middle Eastern World puts Allah as everything. We fail so often to see the true thinking of this world. How can such smart men in Washington be so blind. At the end of WWI President Wilson traveled to Europe to sign the treaties of peace. He had with him great historians. President Wilson himself was greatly educated in history and yet they ignored all the lessons of history and crafted a death treaty that led to the creation of Hitler and WW2. Amazing.

Wisdom might say to us to form a grand alliance and defeat the terrorists forces in Iraq once and for all. Then, carve Iraq up into three separate countries, provide UN military forces, and draft new constitutions that respect freedom of religion and other basic human rights. It would be difficult and many years of victories and defeats with no certain outcome. To do nothing leaves the Middle East unstable and ripe for disaster. We need their oil and thus our economy and that of all the world is in some form tied to this region.

In the end there is no simple solution. The United States has a very sick economy and massive Federal debts. We have invested much into Iraq and it appears it has only made the situation worse. Our missteps over the last three decades are now producing disaster.

As I survey our Federal Government I see no voices or leadership to lead our nation through this dark hour. I see the Middle East getting worse and more dangerous day by day. The next ten years will be dark indeed.

For now America is interested in soccer, beer and pizza. It is summer time and we want to play. As we play great forces are at work that one day may not only require our full attention but demand such.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

Christians and Islam

Islam is growing in the world. More importantly MILITANT ISLAM IS GROWING. I heard a leading scholar on Islam state that "over 30%" of the Muslim world is militant and supports war and death to all who oppose the rule of Islam. It seems every day I read of some country in the world where "Christians" are being persecuted and attacked and killed. I read of others held in prison and facing a very uncertain future.

The news media will not tell the truth. You must do your own research. It is a scary situation. Our government seems confused as to how to view all of this and has chosen a path of negotiation and sweeping it all under the rug. We face dangerous times.

Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world. They deny the deity of Christ. In countries that are ruled by Islam individual liberties are few indeed.

Those Muslims living in the United States must be made to realize that if they wish to stay in our country they must pose no threat to the Constitution of the United States. You are fee to voice your beliefs but you cannot plot the overthrow of our government.
Islam is growing in the United States and poses a great threat to the peace and welfare of our beloved land. You hear many voices of Islam screaming hate and death. You hear few if any voices in the Islamic world calling for peace and love.
Preaching Jesus in Islamic nations is near impossible and one risks imprisonment and death. Debate of the issues is impossible.

What must we do?
1. Pray fervently for our Nation and its leaders. Pray for all the people of Islam that they may come to know Jesus Christ or at least develop a heart of peace.

2. Read and be informed of what is really happening in the world of Islam.

3. Urge our leaders to become informed and stand for the Constitution of the United States and prosecute to the fullest Muslims living here who pose a threat to the lives and security of our nation.

4. Speak up and speak out on this issue for silence and hoping that it will go away will lead to more death and destruction in the long run.

5. Preach Jesus. Do all in your power to support the Church and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this world. For now we have a window of freedom to preach Jesus. There may come a day in which such freedom and opportunity will be limited and we may face great persecution and death to declare the name of Jesus. We must show the love of Jesus to the Muslims in the United States and try to teach and encourage dialogue and understanding and promote peace in all things.
We must put our faith in God. Live for Jesus and be faithful until the very end!

Revelation 20 seems to picture the world at the end as one overran with evil and what few Christians are left are encircled by the enemies of God who are determined to wipe out the Christian faith on earth. Before Satan and his servants can succeed, God ends the world and calls all into judgment. God help us all to be in the number of the true and faithful.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014


As a boy I grew up where the center of town was not the mall for there were no malls. The center of town was downtown main street. You could walk on the sidewalks from store to store and see what they would showcase in the windows. During Christmas it was amazing.
What are we as the church showcasing regarding Christianity? Is it facts of the Bible? Repentance, confession, baptism, no instruments in worship, the Lord's Supper every Sunday, giving, and morality...? We try to sell a legal code and wonder why people are not that interested. We quote to the high heavens Acts 2:38 and forget the first part of the entire message. Peter laid the ground work by showcasing Jesus Christ. Peter did not even state 2:38 until the crowd had asked him about what they should do. If we are excited with Jesus Christ other people will see that and ask us about Jesus.

Are we showcasing Jesus Christ? I believe the showcase of Christianity should be Jesus Christ and Him crucified (I Cor. 2:2). The reality of Jesus being the Son of God who died on a cross to pay for our sins and was resurrected by the power of God to reign at the right hand of God, was the showcase of the early church.

Yes, other things are important and should be studied in proper order. However, none of those things matter if we have not drove home the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We must stress Jesus and get people to fall in love with Him.
Jesus is wondrous and so beautiful! Most people have a false view of Jesus. Whose fault is this? Many have presented Jesus in a way that is not that attractive. Let us get back to talking of Jesus, the greatest person who has ever lived. See His mercy, grace and love. See as He calls all to a better life (Jn. 10:10). Our Lord and Master! The King of Kings!

"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." (Jn. 12:32).

Allen Ashlock, 2014



In this installment, in our series on the eldership, I want to address the topic of authority. The traditional view of the eldership in many churches of Christ is that they have absolute authority. They can hire and fire preachers and staff at will. They can use the contributions as they see fit. They can initiate plans and programs also at will. They can virtually rule and control every aspect of the life of the local congregation. They can do this without any accountability. They are in their position for life and cannot be removed. The church would have to rise in rebellion to remove them, and that often leads to a split. I have seen congregations where over half the church left showing no support for the eldership and yet the eldership in place remained in power thumbing their noses at those that left.
I want to ask this question. Is it true that elderships have such power? Do they hold absolute power without accountability? I have heard for years, "Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts". Something to consider.

Could it be that this power view of the eldership is what has caused a major decline in many churches of Christ? Could it be that this power view is a major factor in the role of the gospel preacher being abused and dishonored? Could it be that this power view of the eldership is the main reason good and qualified men are not going into the ministry, and many other good and qualified men are leaving the ministry? Could it be that this power view of the eldership is the main reason good men do not desire to be elders?

Where did we get this power view of the eldership? Is it taught in the New Testament? Could it be it was devised over a period of time and that, without checks and balances, it became something foreign to both the letter and the spirit of the New Testament?

Here are dangers I see in the power view of the eldership.

(1) Men in power replace themselves with men just like themselves. This perpetuates the status quo and leaves no room for a fresh approach to anything.

(2) Any doctrine that the power brokers deem unseemly is condemned, and all connected with it are marked and condemned. This is done whether there is any validity to the ideas or not. This power view of the eldership destroys creative thinking and leaves no room for academic freedom whatsoever.

(3) There are many dangers associated with placing such great power into the hands of a few men with no system of checks or balances and no real accountability.

(4) All should know that we as Christians are all subject to the lordship of Christ. No man or group of men has any right to usurp that principle. Elders are but mere men and subject to all the sins that all face. Their wisdom is not without flaws. No elder is inspired by God and thus has no special knowledge. No elder has any right to invent, modify, or violate the clear teachings of the Bible.
(5) The work of the gospel preacher is a noble work. It is an authorized work clearly taught in the New Testament. It is a work in and of itself with great duties and great responsibilities before Almighty God. It is a work independent of the eldership. I say independent because many congregations have no eldership, and yet they may have an evangelist/gospel preacher. Certainly there is a great partnership with the evangelist/gospel preacher and we shall discuss that in great detail at a latter date. No eldership has a right to redefine the work of the evangelist/gospel preacher in such a way as to diminish the power, the good, and the duties of the evangelist/gospel preacher. In turn, the evangelist/gospel preacher has a duty to recognize and support the true mission of the eldership.

(6) There is a danger that the power system of the eldership will lead to men in such an office pandering to the body in order to keep power. They control all the church funds and thus can dole them out to this and that program or individual in such a way as to keep a sufficient number of the congregation happy and thus supportive of the power system of the eldership.
(6) By having absolute power to hire and fire all staff including the evangelist/gospel preacher they control the total teaching agenda of the church. They do this with absolute power and no accountability. The church then can be fed a diet of bland preaching, a diet of warped teaching too far to one extreme or another, and or a diet of preaching that is just contrary to the Word of God. This system has a danger of turning the church into a cult and programing the minds of all the body to believe one way or another without any understanding of their own.

(7) By having absolute power over the church treasury the power system can use the money given by the church as if it were their own. The power brokers pick and choose what support to give to this, and that and again with no accountability whatsoever.

(8) The power system approach to the eldership violates the Word of God, violates a sacred relationship with the congregation, violates the noble work of the evangelist/gospel preach and leads to a weaken state for the church and the loss of effectiveness in evangelism. I would dare to say that nearly all the problems and troubles the church faces today is directly connected to the power system approach to the eldership, practiced in way too many congregations.

There are two passages of scripture I wish for all to consider regarding this topic. Both of these New Testament passages speak explicitly on this issue.

First, the Apostle Peter declares, " I’m speaking to the elders among you. I was a witness of Christ’s sufferings. And I will also share in the glory that is going to come. I’m making my appeal to you as one who is an elder together with you. 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock, the believers who are under your care. Serve as their leaders. Don’t serve them because you have to. Instead, do it because you want to. That’s what God wants you to do. Don’t do it because you want to get more and more money. Do it because you want to serve.

 3 Don’t act as if you were a ruler over those who are under your care. Instead, be examples to the flock. 4 The Chief Shepherd will come again. Then you will receive the crown of glory. It is a crown that will never fade away." ( I Pet. 5:1-4). I have quoted this to many elders over the years, and they just looked at me and shrugged their shoulders as if it has no meaning to them or that they are not guilty of violating this prohibition in any form. However, I feel it is often a scripture that is greatly ignored.

I would stress from this above passage the idea of being a servant as an elder, and the idea of NOT ruling over the church as a RULER with total power. Elders are foremost and above all; Shepherds and that entails love, care, feeding, protection, and giving their lives for the welfare of the body. It involves a mutual partnership of love and service.

Another passage of some significant importance to this theme is in 3 John 1:9: "I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not." The warning here is that no man and that means no eldership should seek to have the preeminence and rule the body in such an dishonorable manner as is suggested in this passage.

I have much more to say on this great topic. This concludes our second installment on the eldership. We shall discuss several more issues and talk also of the many wonderful and positive aspects of this most noble work and how such can bless the Kingdom. We need to examine the qualifications of the men who hold this position, what their real work involves, and what their duties are to God and the church. Also, the duties of the church and the evangelist/gospel preacher toward the eldership. The duties of the eldership towards the evangelist/gospel preacher. Finally, we shall examine ideas on how to move the eldership from a power driven model to one of the shepherds. God bless all.
God bless all men who serve as elders and who have a true desire to serve and help the Kingdom.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


Each man and each woman should be absolute seekers of TRUTH. Each should strive for excellence. Each should walk the road less traveled.

Speak forth God's words and do God's will. Time is passing. Care not what the world thinks of you. Seek the pleasure of the Almighty!

One does not have to be crude and rude in the sounding forth of that which is right. However, one must be true to God and His will. Some things can never be compromised and must be declared with p...ower and conviction.

We live in an age of wimps and there is a need for real Men and real Women to stand up for the Almighty. Will you stand? Will you be strong for God? Will you be God's man or God's woman?
They who walk with God see all things differently and see things others cannot see. They cannot see for they are blinded by sin and darkness. They who walk with God hear His voice and follow Him while others hear nothing. They do not hear for they are deaf to the voice of truth. Their hearing is gone due to sin and darkness.

You think you now see? Ah, do you really? You think you now hear? Ah, do you really? Embrace the Almighty and a world like no other will come alive for you.
Grasp the power of God and you shall surely live!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


What would happen if every Sunday for a year we just talked about the glory and greatness of Jesus? Jesus is everything! He is the energy and power of the church. All doctrine derives its importance from the power that is in Jesus Christ. Preaching and teaching about Jesus each Sunday will help keep the focus where it should be. It helps all to see clearly what is important and what is of insignificance. Jesus makes all things better!

Could it be that the very... thing that defines us is the very thing we have neglected? I have noticed in my preaching that when I took the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and just preached through every verse that something happened. The church was made stronger. There was a great balance that came over the church. There was peace. Those that tended to be negative and argumentative calmed down and those that were filled with anxiety developed a more peaceful attitude. The church avoided fussing about silly issues. Yes, Jesus makes all things better.

Let the church talk of Jesus more! Let every Christian read the gospels more and talk of Jesus more! Let preachers preach the beauty of Jesus more and then hold on, wondrous things shall happen!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014



 I believe with all of my being that Jesus died on the old cross and was placed in a tomb and on the third day, the first day of the week He was resurrected from the dead with power and glory. Why do I believe this? There are many reasons. Here are just three of them.

First, the record shows that Jesus foretold His coming death and His resurrection. He affirmed such to His disciples many times. Look at Matthew 17:22; Mark 8:31 and Luke 9:22. Again, Jesus gave clear details of this in Matthew 26:61, Mark 14:58 and John 2:19. Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so He the Son of Man would be three days in the grave (Matthew 12:39: 16:4). Again, He foretold it again in Matt 21:42 and Matthew 27:63. He set it forth in advance and laid it out for all to see and know. Only later did the disciples connect the dots and realize they had been blind to His very clear statements. To die this horrible death and be resurrected is not something that is likely to have been dreamed up by a deceived church. The character by all accounts in the New Testament and the external secular historians does not present Christ as a charlatan or mentally disturbed person.

Second, the EMPTY TOMB stands for all time as a powerful witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (Luke 24:3). The body was never found. There is no grave for Jesus Christ. The most powerful government and military on earth was involved in the killing of Jesus Christ, and they were never able to find His body. The disciples, the ones who knew the Lord the best all without any exceptions went to their grave shouting, HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN! Many of the Apostles were tortured in the most horrible ways, and not one ever took back their absolute affirmation, JESUS IS RISEN! The greatest historians of our day agree, it was this absolute confidence in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead that propelled Christianity forward to where it is today. Even now in the year 2014 the people of the most powerful nation on earth believe in large numbers that Jesus rose from the dead. The most recent Gallup Poll declares that 77 percent of the people of America believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins and was raised from the dead.

Third, Saul of Tarsus, a highly educated Jewish leader and poster boy for the Jewish power of his day, is converted to Jesus Christ! He was the principle leader of the opposition to Christianity in Israel for a time. His mission: to destroy the faith in Jesus Christ from the face of the earth. He is converted on a mission to destroy Christians. Once converted he will sacrifice everything for the name of Jesus! He never waivers and never surrenders. This sent shock waves throughout all Israel. Saul who became Paul the Apostle affirmed to his death in Rome, Jesus is the Son of God and was raised from the dead. Some 500 people saw the blessed Lord after His resurrection and many of these witnesses were still alive years later when Paul wrote of such (I Cor. 15:6). The evidence is so abundantly clear. HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN! He ever lives and reigns at the right hand of God. He is my Lord, my Savior, my hope, my joy, and my Lord and Master! Praise Jesus Christ, Praise Him, now and forever!



Often I have talked to people who argue that all Christians should be at all services of the church or they are less than a Christian. They are not what God would desire. Some even argue they are in sin and will lose their souls, and thus should be marked by the church and censored. On the other side there are those who argue that attendance at the services of the church has nothing to do with your faithfulness to God and should not even be considered at all.

I have a few observations about the above thoughts. First, I have grown to appreciate the fact that in the Bible God loves those with messy lives. By that I mean God loves everyone and that many of the great servants all through the Bible had messed up lives. Some may like to see all men in the church with three piece suits on Sunday and all the ladies in nice dresses. The perfect "nuclear family" as we use to call it. But, today such is not to be the case. People live messy lives. Think of Adam & Eve? They sinned! They messed it up. Think of Cain? He sinned. The first family on earth was
dysfunctional and had a brother kill a brother. Think of Noah? As great as he was you see him after the flood drunk and in shame. Think of Abraham? Mighty Abraham! He struggled with honesty and faith in God. Think of Moses? He failed and did not enter the promised land. Think of David? He lied, deceived, committed adultery and murder. He failed. Yet, "he was a man after God's own heart". He messed up. Think of the Apostles? In the Lord's greatest hour they all ran for their lives. Peter denied even knowing the Lord. Saul of Tarsus was a murderer of Christians with one messed up life. He became the great Apostle.

All this shows that God works through messy people and even messed up churches. Corinth was a messed up church but it was the church of God (I Cor. 1:2).

Life is messy. People have problems. People struggle. On a scale of 1-10 all Christians are either a "1" or a "10". Few if any would make it to a "10". Sometimes we make it to a "5" and then drop down a number or two. Life is messy. We are up and we are down. The church is a family that is to work with each other and help each other. Many churches of Christ have failed to realize this simple fact of life. Christianity is not a "Cookie Cutter" faith. We each walk with our God bearing whatever burdens that are unique to our situation. All of us as the family of God must be considerate of each other and helpful to each other. We each should love and pray for one another. The blood of Christ keeps cleansing us even in our messed up state. Here are two simple verses of scripture that bear this out.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Gal. 6:2).
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32).

The church is filled with those immature in the faith, weak in the faith, and those hurting. It is filled with damaged souls. We are all fallen. The church will never get everyone on the right page. All will strive with ups and downs. Deny this all you wish but it is absolute reality. Some because of the harshness of the church will hold all their pain and struggles deep inside and thus live lives of quite desperation. How sad. Many of these in time will fall away from the faith due to the fact they are emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

So, I guess I have not really answered the opening question stated in this article. That is by design. For, I think there is a lot more involved in this question then is often considered. Christianity is not like a "10 Point Card" you get at the ice cream store. You buy nine ice cream cones and get the tenth one free. Christianity is a life to be lived. A battle to be fought. A war to be won! Christianity is STRUGGLE. In all struggles we have wins and loses. However, Christ is our loving savior and He is full of grace even if brethren often have little.

Would I like all my brothers and sisters to be with me at all services of the church? Oh yes. But whether they are or are not, I still love them all and pray for them. Some may never miss and yet have sin eating them up. Some may not be at all services and yet they may be fighting the devil in ways we could never imagine. In all cases we are all on a scale of growth. Some may be up the ladder higher than others but, instead of condemning those not quite as high as they are, they will reach with their hands and say, "let me help you my brother or sister".

I know a person who has a messed up life. This person has many problems and struggles. This person attends services on occasion but is not as faithful as others in being at all services. Instead of finding out this person's problems and struggles and offer help the elders call constantly to rebuke this person for forsaking the assembly. Finally, they publically mark this person and urge the church to avoid this person for forsaking the assembly. This person vows to never darken the door of any "church of Christ". Another soul ran off by "superior brethren".

Maybe it is time that we all realize that the subject of "church attendance" may not be quite as simple as we have concluded.
Help us oh GOD, we are reaching up to You....take our hands...pull us up. For, we are weak and frail and we need you so!

*Allen Ashlock, *2014


Dare To Be Different!

The greatest men and women of all history both secular and Biblical were men and women who dared to be different and to challenge the status quo.
In the OT Noah dared to be different and by and through him the world was saved, and you and I are here today. He walked with God when all the world traveled a different road.
Abraham walked with God. He took a different path and obeyed God and became the father of the faithful.
Joseph lived for God and always kept faith. He went into a strange land as a slave and become a mighty ruler and saved a nation.
So many examples such as Joshua who boldly declared, "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord". The great prophets like Elijah, Daniel, Hosea and others stood for God and traveled the road less traveled and changed the world.
Great women like Deborah, Esther, Hannah, Naomi, Ruth, Sarah, Rebecca, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha, Dorcas , Lydia and Prisca who was instrumental in saving Paul's life. So many great women.
Jesus challenged the status quo. He was the absolute truth. The great religious teachers of his day hated Him. He lived and died and changed the world. He was the greatest person to ever walk the earth! Paul stood tall for God, and he too lived and died and changed the world. The great apostles all one by one lived and died and forever changed the world. Great saints of yesterday stood tall for God, never waivered and gave their all to be a bright light for truth and salvation.
Read Hebrews chapter eleven. There you will learn of some of the greatest men and women who ever lived. The world was indeed unworthy of these courageous souls. Because of them we have the opportunity to walk with God.
What can we learn from all this? We can learn that accepting things as they are is not a wise course. Each generation needs major changes to rise and meet God. Each generation needs a Paul and Prisca to stand up for what is right.
Will you stand? Will you dare to be different?

*Allen Ashlock, 2014



We have often talked of "congregational autonomy". More and more I see this violated. We are bound together by a great platform of unity spelled out in Ephesians chapter four. The "seven ones" are the true marks of unity. When they are properly defined, they become the basis for all real unity.
If you travel the world, you shall see many different things in churches of Christ. Some things might make you uncomfo...rtable. Some things may challenge your traditions. However, they are your brethren and for them what you do is very odd and strange.

We must respect "congregational autonomy". I may not like certain things some congregation does. However, they are my brethren, and I pray for them and love them and wish them well. In every case where I have heard something odd about a congregation, and I was able to visit there I did not find it quite that way. This seems to be the norm. Always, give your beloved brethren the benefit of the doubt before going out to broadcast that they are "liberal".

Furthermore, I am not the brotherhood policeman and neither are you. All of us answer to God. Not one of us knows all the Bible. What we think we know could turn out to be erroneous. That is possible. Let us always be open minded and diligent seekers of truth as revealed in the Word.
Let us respect the independence of each congregation. We would not want a church in another state traveling here to set us "straight" and so why should we think they will appreciate us for meddling in their affairs. I would submit that every congregation I know anything about has more than enough to do in taking care of their own affairs. Most congregations have a near ZERO GROWTH RATE so I would think each has plenty to do in their own backyard.

Long ago, I threw away the "rags" that I received in the mail. Those "brotherhood journals" edited by some "Diotrephes" who thinks he is the "Pope" of the churches of Christ. In the end many of these so-called "policemen" were caught up themselves in various scandals.

We all have our Bible, and we all answer to God individually. Each congregation answers to God. Read Revelation two-three and see how the Lord held those congregations accountable. They each answered to Him and so it is today.
Pray for all churches of Christ and do good for all. Love the brotherhood.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014



We often hear "we need to be the church of the New Testament". I believe this phrase needs more investigation. The Jerusalem church was the first church, but it was in evolution. By that, I mean it started under the direction of the Apostles themselves without elders. In time, it would have elders overseeing the work. I tend to believe that the church could have reached a membership of over 100,000 based on historical data available. I believe these congregations met in homes here and there all over the city. They had no "church buildings" as such. There are no historical records at all that would confirm that all 100,000 met at one time in one location. This most likely would have never been allowed by the Romans or the Jews. So, they were certainly different from us in that regard.
The Jerusalem church lingered in the city and only by persecution was it finally dispersed throughout the world. Jesus had commanded that the church should expand to all the earth (Acts 1:8). Persecution forced that upon the church. The Jerusalem church was at first 100% Jewish, and it would be some time before they would welcome into the body Gentiles and then only with great controversy. Prejudice was a big problem for the Jerusalem church. They had Apostles and the miraculous indwelling of the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders. The early church had no New Testament, but it was the Old Testament that was their primary preaching text coupled with the message of the Holy Spirit. This is much different than the way we operate today. So, in many very important ways we today cannot be the church that was in Jerusalem and nor should we try.
Now, look at the church at Corinth. We learn in 1 & 2 Corinthians of many, many problems. Who among us would wish to duplicate that church? Then, there were the churches of Galatia. They were moving away from the pure gospel to accept "another gospel" (Gal. 1:6-9). Who among us would wish to duplicate that congregation?
As you move through the New Testament, you see congregation after congregation filled with issues and problems. Most of these if not all of these would be labeled and cut off by our "Pharisee churches of Christ" today. Today, in our very rigid and "creed" oriented circle in the church you would find a church such as Corinth condemned straight to hell. That is not how Paul looked at them in I Corinthians chapter one. In fact, look at all the churches in the NT and you will find they had their ups and downs. They struggled. Sin was always at work. The letters were written to guide them to a higher calling. Did they ever reach the mountain top of moral and spiritual perfection? I think not!
I do not look to these flawed churches in the New Testament as my perfect example for as we have seen they were far from perfect. I look at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, for my perfect example that is in Christ Jesus my Lord! Peter, the Apostle, urged us, "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." (I Pet. 2:21). Yes, every church of Christ should seek to follow the example left to us by Jesus. We should seek to be the image of our blessed Lord. See the purpose in His coming to seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10). See the purpose of his death on Calvary: shedding his blood for the forgiveness of our sins (Matt. 26:28). See the gospel that He commanded to be preached and how as sinners we should be born again (John 3:1ff). See in the Sermon on the Mount the wondrous life we are to live for Him (Matthew 5-7). See how he taught us to be servants (Matthew 25:32ff). Yes, we should look to Jesus as our perfect example. We look to the books of Acts to Revelation as instructions and guidance to help us see how we can get off on the wrong road. These books tell us how sin can destroy the church, and how we can fix it when it goes bad, and how we can avoid these problems.

We each define "perfection" in many different ways. Some wish to have a church that is perfect in doctrine, morality and spirituality. Is that possible? Is it really possible to take 100 souls in a congregation and keep them all 100% in perfection in doctrine, morals, and spirituality? I think not. Why? Because as humans, we are flawed. As Christians, we are all on different levels of spirituality. We are on different marks of growth and maturity. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be cleansed and perfected and may we never forget that. Maybe, just maybe it is in our imperfections that we as a church see our fervent need for Jesus and see our great need for each other. Maybe in our imperfections we are meant to grow in more dependence on our blessed Lord. Maybe it is in our imperfections and struggles that we learn the greatest of lessons in this life.
Let us all study the Word. Pray fervently! Let us give all diligence to add the Christian graces and walk with our God (2 Pet. 1:5-11). Yes, my wish for the church everywhere is that it would be the church of Christ, and I stress the CHURCH OF CHRIST. The church that belongs to Christ and that is filled with Christ. I am not interested in being like the churches of the NT with all their problems and issues. The letters of the NT tell us of how these churches struggled to follow Christ. We hope to do better than they did but in some cases we might do worse. God help us! I want to follow Jesus and be what He would have me to be, and I would pray that for the church everywhere.

  *Allen Ashlock, 2014


Can We Be Wrong And Not Know Such?

Is it possible that members of the church of Christ are wrong about many things and yet do not even know such? We often talk about people of the world being sincere but wrong. However, members of the church can be sincere and very wrong. Saul of Tarsus was very sincere and yet very wrong. Peter was very sincere but very wrong. Both had to have a miracle to make them take some major changes in their lives.
Just because we have always believed something does not make it right? Just because the old time preachers preached something does not make it right. Just because some brother wrote a large, thick book on a topic does not mean he is right about the topic.
God is the author and source of all truth through Jesus Christ our Lord (John 1:17). We, like those of Berea must search the Scriptures to be sure we are standing on solid ground (Acts 17:11). Even then, we can be wrong. For we all bring a great deal of subjectivity to our Bible study. We often see the Bible as we wish to see the Bible.

We must admit this fully. Then, we must with humility and prayer, try hard to clear our mind of prejudices and read the Bible with fresh eyes. Read the Word with an open heart and strive always to see the Word the way God sees the Word. This is not easy. It is hard to change our minds on anything religious. We have a built in system in the brain that resists changes and challenges to our preconceived conclusions.

The way things are in the churches of Christ today is not the way it has always been. The way things are today in churches of Christ is most certainly not the way it shall be in A.D. 2100. Culture changes. Tradition changes. Style changes. Technology changes. Life changes. The core values of Christianity will never change, but all else is liquid. God is God. Jesus is the Son of God. Humanity is lost in sin. The gospel which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the heartbeat of the gospel (I Cor. 15). That gospel is the power of God to save sinners (Rom. 1:16).
Many today in the churches of Christ have created a creed just as the Jews did with the Law of Moses. You have to check off all the items that church members believe and do them or else you shall burn. We pass "hell" around way too freely.

Our motto in days past, "Speak Where The Bible Speaks, And Be Silent Where the Bible Is Silent". Well, I truly doubt that any preacher or church has ever done that. We strive for it but practicing it is something else. The Bible speaks on many things that all of us need improvement and full surrender. None of us as Christians or churches collectivity are doing fully all the commandments of God. There had better be some grace or, we are all in trouble. The Bible is silent about many things, that across our brotherhood, preachers, elders, and members, have many things to say about. We are not quite so silent are we?

Each congregation has plenty to do in taking care of its own work. Often the congregation that is dying and on life support seems determined to be the brotherhood policeman. Give me a break. Each congregation has plenty to do in being all they should before God!

As Christians, we often judge our brethren wrongly and thus we ourselves are in sin (Matt. 7:1ff). It is very easy to see the wrongs in others and very hard to see our own flaws.

Yes, we in the churches of Christ can be wrong about many things and no doubt we are. We all need to look to Jesus as our shinning light and be more honest in our Bible study.

What I am advocating here is love for truth, humility, obedience, and respect for the real truth of God. I am urging an abandonment of creeds and full submission to the gospel.
God help us all to walk faithfully!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014



Often I have talked to people who argue that all Christians should be at all services of the church or they are less than a Christian. They are not what God would desire. Some even argue they are in sin and will lose their souls, and thus should be marked by the church and censored. On the other side there are those who argue that attendance at the services of the church has nothing to do with your faithfulness to God and should not even be considered at all.

I have a few observations about the above thoughts. First, I have grown to appreciate the fact that in the Bible God loves those with messy lives. By that I mean God loves everyone and that many of the great servants all through the Bible had messed up lives. Some may like to see all men in the church with three piece suits on Sunday and all the ladies in nice dresses. The perfect "nuclear family" as we use to call it. But, today such is not to be the case. People live messy lives. Think of Adam & Eve? They sinned! They messed it up. Think of Cain? He sinned. The first family on earth was dysfunctional and had a brother kill a brother. Think of Noah? As great as he was you see him after the flood drunk and in shame. Think of Abraham? Mighty Abraham! He struggled with honesty and faith in God. Think of Moses? He failed and did not enter the promised land. Think of David? He lied, deceived, committed adultery and murder. He failed. Yet, "he was a man after God's own heart". He messed up. Think of the Apostles? In the Lord's greatest hour they all ran for their lives. Peter denied even knowing the Lord. Saul of Tarsus was a murderer of Christians with one messed up life. He became the great Apostle.

All this shows that God works through messy people and even messed up churches. Corinth was a messed up church but it was the church of God (I Cor. 1:2).

Life is messy. People have problems. People struggle. On a scale of 1-10 all Christians are either a "1" or a "10". Few if any would make it to a "10". Sometimes we make it to a "5" and then drop down a number or two. Life is messy. We are up and we are down. The church is a family that is to work with each other and help each other. Many churches of Christ have failed to realize this simple fact of life. Christianity is not a "Cookie Cutter" faith. We each walk with our God bearing whatever burdens that are unique to our situation. All of us as the family of God must be considerate of each other and helpful to each other. We each should love and pray for one another. The blood of Christ keeps cleansing us even in our messed up state. Here are two simple verses of scripture that bear this out.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Gal. 6:2).
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32).

The church is filled with those immature in the faith, weak in the faith, and those hurting. It is filled with damaged souls. We are all fallen. The church will never get everyone on the right page. All will strive with ups and downs. Deny this all you wish but it is absolute reality. Some because of the harshness of the church will hold all their pain and struggles deep inside and thus live lives of quite desperation. How sad. Many of these in time will fall away from the faith due to the fact they are emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

So, I guess I have not really answered the opening question stated in this article. That is by design. For, I think there is a lot more involved in this question then is often considered. Christianity is not like a "10 Point Card" you get at the ice cream store. You buy nine ice cream cones and get the tenth one free. Christianity is a life to be lived. A battle to be fought. A war to be won! Christianity is STRUGGLE. In all struggles we have wins and loses. However, Christ is our loving savior and He is full of grace even if brethren often have little.

Would I like all my brothers and sisters to be with me at all services of the church? Oh yes. But whether they are or are not, I still love them all and pray for them. Some may never miss and yet have sin eating them up. Some may not be at all services and yet they may be fighting the devil in ways we could never imagine. In all cases we are all on a scale of growth. Some may be up the ladder higher than others but, instead of condemning those not quite as high as they are, they will reach with their hands and say, "let me help you my brother or sister".

I know a person who has a messed up life. This person has many problems and struggles. This person attends services on occasion but is not as faithful as others in being at all services. Instead of finding out this person's problems and struggles and offer help the elders call constantly to rebuke this person for forsaking the assembly. Finally, they publically mark this person and urge the church to avoid this person for forsaking the assembly. This person vows to never darken the door of any "church of Christ". Another soul ran off by "superior brethren".

Maybe it is time that we all realize that the subject of "church attendance" may not be quite as simple as we have concluded.
Help us oh GOD, we are reaching up to You....take our hands...pull us up. For, we are weak and frail and we need you so!

*Allen Ashlock, *2014


Paul taught the evangelist/preacher what he should have as his primary focus. So often the work and expectations of the local preacher is connected to so many ideas and none of which have much to do with the New Testament. Let us go back to I & II Timothy and see what God through Paul taught as to the great work of the evangelist/preacher.
I combined many thoughts presented by Paul and placed in various categories.
1. Be a good example to all (I Tim. 4:12)
2. Give time to personal study and development (I Tim. 4:13, 15, 16; 2:Tim. 2:15)
3. War a good warfare (I Tim. 1:18; 6:20; 2 Tim. 2:4).
4. Show no partiality or prejudice in applying the truth of God (I Tim. 5:21)
5. Prepare and train others to carry on after you (2 Tim. 2:2ff).
6. Be a good soldier...avoid entanglements in the affairs of this world. Keep focused on your mission (2 Tim. 2:4).
7. Preach the word...and only the word (I Tim. 1:3,4; 4:6ff; 5:20). Do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5ff).



Tolerance is a good word. The true power of tolerance is in its mercy. Its concept moves through every barrier and idea of life. I believe in tolerance. For those who do not agree with me I have tolerance, and hope they will with me. For those who live a life of great sin I have tolerance, for I am a sinner who struggles. It is not that I wish to support sin in my life or anyone, but I am for the sinner. I am for the man or the woman for whom Christ died and shed His blood. I am for the sinner, and I am against the sin. I am against the sin for I know it hurts the sinner and will destroy. I want the best for all humans. We re all sinners.

Before I can be helpful to a person, I must love them and respect them. I love them for God loves them so much. Christ died for them. Before I can help them, I must respect them. I must respect their right to believe what they wish and to live their lives the way they choose. I must realize I am not "god" and I do not know all things. I am on a journey with God ever reaching. All others are on a path as well seeking God and ever reaching. While visiting a man in a local prison, I noticed how he seemed so embarrassed that I had to come and see him in such a place. I took his hand and looked him in the eyes and said, "My dear friend, it is not this place that I came to but it is for you. I am here for you. I love you and wish for you all the best. Christ died for you and will forgive you of all wrongs. He looks upon you now with love and a warm smile, and his arms are open for you. You are worth more than all the treasures of this earth."

You can never tell looking at a man or woman what their temptations and struggles are all about. You may think you know a man or woman but in reality you do not know them. Thus, we must have tolerance for all. We must give each other a break for all are fallen and touched if not tormented by sin. God, have mercy on us all.

The problem is greatest when dealing with people who have no tolerance. They bind their opinions and judgments on me and all others. They have a superior attitude about themselves. They are hard of heart and soul. They hurt people and cause great harm. It is one thing to hold to the truth, and it is quite another to use that "truth" to destroy and hurt people. The message of the gospel is one of healing, forgiveness, atonement, mercy, and hope. How can we take such a glorious message and then use it to hurt and destroy people?

I wish so we could grasp this idea of tolerance. To be tolerant of the human condition is not to disobey God. God has been so patient with all us while we were in sin and still struggle with sin. God help us to be tolerant or another word, merciful unto all humanity.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." (Matt. 5:7)
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8).



I have preached and worked with churches just over 37 years, and I have served as an elder for two congregations. I have preached many sermons on the topic and taught various Bible classes on this theme. I have worked with elders of my own congregations where I worked as well as with many other elders in various projects. I feel I have a good understanding of what is going on in churches involving the eldership and also the Biblical instructions regarding elders. In recent years, I have given much thought and meditation to the subject. I hope these thoughts will be helpful.
First, I would say that I have known some fine men serving as elders. I have seen elders who love the Lord and work so very hard. They try to do the work well and help the church. I am sure when the scenes of life and time have passed God will certainly take note of faithful elders who gave their all and helped to advance the Kingdom. Here is what Peter the Apostle declared about the Lord and faithful elders in the church. "And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (I Peter 5:4).

Second, I would like to point out that many of the problems we now face in the church is due to unqualified men serving as elders. Also, we have men serving who will not do the work. We have churches with no elders and allowing unqualified men to serve as leaders and have full authority over the affairs of the body. This is not in keeping with New Testament teaching. Often unqualified men serving as elders and so called "leaders" who are unqualified talk all the time of "sound doctrine" and they condemn churches and preachers they deem "unsound". They set themselves forth as "experts" on the matters of true faith and yet they themselves are unqualified to be in the leadership position they possess. Very ironic? Also, very sinful!

Third, I would like to point out that culture has a lot to do with the present status quo in churches of Christ regarding the eldership. Every society develops various norms and traditions regarding all things it practices. In time even in the church people come to think that these so called "norms" are truly the New Testament way and that altering any of this would be sinful. Thus, the false system becomes entrenched, and the flawed operation becomes systemic. Any effort to change the system is met with total resistance and even great ugliness. These men rule and control and indoctrinate their congregations to be in full submission to them. No challenges to their authority is allowed. Those that do try to challenge are invited to leave that congregation. These men replicate themselves by having the final say on all future men who will serve as elders or "leaders". Thus, the corrupted system is perpetuated from generation to generation. It could well be argued that such failed systems of leadership is one of the principle causes of congregational decline and death.

Fourth, for years many congregations because of this failed leadership model continue to teach I Timothy three and Titus one regarding the qualifications of elders and they continue to wrongly define the terms and wrongly apply the instructions given by the inspired Apostle. Of course, this is no surprise for they must interpret these passages a certain way to support their "authority" and "right to exist". Thus, the Word of God is abused to fit the doctrines of men. Any effort to try to point out a more Biblical approach to leadership and the true meanings of the New Testament texts is met with fierce resistance.

Fifth, many in the church would prefer to support the status quo even though it is contrary to New Testament teaching. They would rather support this false system of leadership because to face the reality of the Scriptures and make the changes necessary and needed would be for them way too painful. Change, even good change, is met with resistance and fear. It is the unknown, and thus brethren just roll over in bed and decide to think on it another day. In most cases major revolutionary changes in governments, societies and religion only takes place through great upheaval. The powers that exist will often fight to the death to maintain their power and control. This was the major issues with the Jews and Jesus Christ. He was a threat to their corrupt leadership and power. Often this is the case even with men who might in some warped way be very sincere and yet they are very wrong.
This is the first in a series of articles on the eldership and leadership in the church. I realize this article is rather negative. However, we must always see clearly the problem we are facing before we can ever suggest possible solutions. Failing to see the problem is indeed part of the problem. God help us to awake. Paul said, "This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:14).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014



I was an only child until I was nearly 12. I remember those early years so well. Mom never liked this pic of us. She said we all three looked rather "goofy". We lived in the back of a store/gas station on Highway 18 in Jonesboro when this picture was taken. Dad sold groceries and gasoline for cars and did some mechanic work. I remember seeing gas for sale at 19.9. Wow! The store was right near the Hytrol plant here in Jonesboro. The old ...building still stands. I have parked there on occasion and allowed my mind to go back to those days. As a young boy of four, I loved the candy that dad sold in that store and I was always eating too much of such. There was a restaurant in the building, but mom and dad never opened it. Dad and I would always tell mom, "you are the best cook in the world". If you would only open the cafe and cook those delicious meals like you serve us, in time we would all be rich. Mom would laugh and say we were crazy. She had no intentions of operating any cafe. LOL!
My beloved mother died in my arms in October of 2011. When this picture was taken, we would have never imagined that would be how mom's life would end. There in my arms I quoted every Bible verse I knew and quoted the 23rd Psalm over and over. I pray the last words she heard in this life were me quoting that powerful Psalm.

This mother's day I think of my mom like so many think of their mothers. I loved her so. I love her even now. I still cannot believe she is gone. I think of her in a new place safe and happy. I often wonder what she is thinking even now. I do hope she can see my sister, Amy. Mother was so broken when Amy died. A bad time for us all. My sister Patti and I, miss mom so much. I think of her every day. I have sometimes awakened in the night thinking I heard her voice calling to me. I remember her laugh, her jokes, and her goodness.

Oh, how I wish I could sit with mom and dad together once more and eat a meal. Life moves on and such times are gone now forever.

Dad lives at Culpepper in Jonesboro. His room is filled with pictures of him and mom and all the family. The largest picture is of him and mom. I know he misses her so. We all miss her.
Love is enduring and moves through time to touch us all in wonderful ways. I am thankful for the gift of a loving mother. She always sacrificed everything for her children.

I love you mom! Oh, how I pray to God that He and the Angels of glory will be so good to you. I know when I leave this old world and finally by God's grace walk through those pearly gates that I will run here and there looking for you and rushing to your arms.
God bless you mom! God bless you!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014


I hope to write a series of articles on Women Of The Bible. I would also love to write a series of articles on the great opportunity and challenges that Christian Women face in today's world!
We need all the men and all the women putting forth 100 percent of their efforts and talents into the building up of the Kingdom of God. There is great work for all to do!
I like this website.


*I have always admired the great Ira North. He led the way in building the largest church of Christ in the world in his day. The Madison Church of Christ. He was known as a man who loved the Lord and who loved people. Another great man and dear friend of mine was the beloved Guy N. Woods. The picture attached to this article shows brother North and brother Woods as they assumed the editorship of the Gospel Advocate. God bless the memory of these truly great men. These were two of the greatest preachers of the gospel of the 20th century United States. *Allen Ashlock

Ira North
By Avon North

He has been called flamboyant, show-off, "Fiery Irey," "Mr. Enthusiasm," liberal, " The great North star from the East" and many other names, some complimentary and some not-so-complimentary. To me the real Ira North can best be described as man of compassion, lover of the very young. the very old, the poor and down-trodden, and homeless children.

There is no better way to train up a child than by example. Ira was born into a poor but compassionate family. Although they were poor his parents were always willing to share with those less fortunate. Even after their financial situation was much better, they still held to this attitude.
When Ira was about 4 years old, his paternal grandfather became unable to live alone and care for himself. There were no nursing homes at that time. Ira's family believed strongly in the saying that an old tree cannot survive being transplanted into fresh soil. It would soon wither and die. They did not move him from his home but moved in with him.

He was a beloved old preacher of 50 years. His 4-year-old grandson loved to sit on his knee and hear him tell how wonderful it was to preach the Gospel. The serendipity was the desire that was instilled in this little boy to preach the Gospel, a desire which stayed with him all of his life until his death at 62.

Soon after the death of his grandfather, Ira's maternal grandmother became unable to care for herself. The Norths again moved their little family to grandmother's home to care for her. Every morning she would have Ira get in bed with her and rub her back. She said he was "the best back-rubber in the world." These were precious memories, and he never lost his love and compassion for the very old.
At the time Ira started to school, Lawrence County owned a poor farm. It was a place provided for the poorest of the poor supported by the county. It was located in the same school district as Ira's family, so the children from the county farm attended the same school. The school had no cafeteria, so all the kids carried their lunches to school. Soon after Ira started to school. his mother realized that Ira was not eating his lunch - he was giving it to the County Farm kids. She didn't fuss at him; she lust fixed more food each day for him to share. During his college days he shared his suits with a preacher friend who did not have a suit to wear when he went to preach. One incident happened in Baton Rouge. La., during Ira's graduate school days. I was in the hospital with a new baby. I had stored enough food to provide for Ira and my two little boys until Grandma could get there, but I had not provided for the hungry stranger who came by. Ira gave him the last quart of milk in the refrigerator, not even thinking that his own little boys might get hungry before morning. Needless to say, they survived, and Grandma came the next day.

So we carne to our preaching years at Madison. I truly believe that God had a plan for a great demonstration to be established that would be an example for the church everywhere to follow. I believe that He selected the right location, the right leadership, the right people, and He raised up the right preacher to lead them and help them to make it all happen. It seems to me that Ira was being prepared for this work since he was a very young child.

Always in the back off his mind was a complete facility for the homeless, aged and poor. One Sunday morning early in his ministry at Madison, he called a little 8-year-old boy to the stage to stand with him. He announced to the audience, “This is Eddie. He is going to the reform school tomorrow. He hasn't broken any law. His only problem is that nobody wants him. and the only place that he can go is to a correction institution.”

Ira noticed an older man in the audience whisper something to his wife and she nodded her head. Then the man raised his hand and said. “Look no further. Brother North. Birdie and I will give Eddie a home until Madison can build one.” Ira said, “God bless you. Brother Perry and Birdie. You now have you a boy.” Later Birdie related to us that the first night when she tucked him into bed he said, “I ain't had no mama to kiss me good night.”

Eddie was our first child in our child-care demonstration that surpassed 1,000 children several years ago. So Madison was in the child-care business - one of Ira's dreams come true!
About the time that little Eddie appeared on the scene. Madison was practically given a 42-acre plot of land located about one mile from the church building. Eventually, seven cottages were built for neglected children.

Later, on the same site, a retirement village with 24 private apartments for the aged was constructed. Just before he died Ira shoveled the first shovel of dirt to break ground for the new villa for people who can no longer cook and keep an apartment. This facility cares for 24 people - Ira's dream of a lifetime had come true. The child-care cottages are called Happy Acres. The apartment complex is called the Golden Age Village, and the villa is called the Christian Care Villa.

Ira's ministry Madison pioneered the cottage-type homes for children. Each nice, four-bedroom brick home is located on a two acre lot that houses a mama, daddy and six children. To make it as near like a normal home as possible, the dad works for a living and the mom cares for the home and the children. This plan for child care was acclaimed as the "way to do it" by the Tennessee state welfare department, making it easier to be accepted by the powers that be in the state as well as the church. The welfare department could furnish a child's physical needs, but they could not give a child the warm, compassionate love and care that we could with our plan.

By 1973 there were more than 60 homes in this country supported by churches of Christ. This program has grown into an adoption agency, foster home care and a home for abused wives with three social workers, a full-time family life counselor, and a student intern working on an advanced degree in social work. A collection is taken in the Bible school classes each Sunday: this the only source of support for this program. May God forgive us if we have misused any gifts that we have had at our disposal.

Ira frequently related the incident about the "Church What Helps People." One afternoon he was in the office after everyone else was gone. There was a timid knock at his outside door. He went to the door and there stood two frightened little girls.
“Mister, is this the church what helps people." they asked.
"Well, I'll declare!" Ira quickly replied. "There are 750 churches in this town and you have found the right one! What can I do for you?”
"Our daddy's sick and we are hungry," they said.
"Well, we'll fix that. Come with me."
He took them to the food room and found the door locked.
"Well, what do you know - somebody forgot and locked the door.
"He picked up a hammer and broke the lock and sent the little girls home with their arms filled with sacks of food. Before leaving them he invited them to Bible school the next Sunday.
Ira's concern for the people in the slums of the inner city was reflected in the following quote from a sermon: "What have the religious people, what have the churches done for the poor of the inner city? What has Christendom done? I'll tell you what we have done. For all practical purposes - nothing. When the poor move in. we move out. We don't want to get our hands dirty. And so in the inner city they live on. They live in unspeakable poverty in some cases. Oh, how those little children need to know about Jesus! How they need to feel the hand of someone clean who cares. But what have we done'? We've moved out and we've worshiped in our big, fine buildings with wall-to-wall carpets and air conditioners and ridden in our nice cars and lived in our nice homes and wrung our hands and said, 'Oh, those terrible people down in the slums!' We haven't lifted a finger to help them."
Ira did do something to help them. He was instrumental in getting the Nashville Inner City Ministry started by using his influence with the powers that be to get permission to use one of the inner city school auditoriums each Sunday morning to worship. There are about 400 people who worship there each Sunday. They now own a fleet of 40 buses and bus 1200 people each Monday and Tuesday nights to area churches for a Bible class. They have seven people who work full time and hundreds of volunteers. This ministry is an example and is training people from other cities to begin a ministry in their own area. There are eight young men going to Lipscomb on a scholarship from a fund established in honor of Marshall Keeble. The Inner City is marching and I feel that Ira's early encouragement has helped to bring this about.

Even on his deathbed Ira was thinking and concerned about the little children. He had received so many notes and get-well wishes from little children who assured him that they prayed for him at every meal and at bedtime. He was concerned that they might think that God didn't answer their prayers. So he requested that Jim Bill explain to the little children at the funeral that God answers our prayers His way and not our way.
When Ira died I lost my best friend, but It was wonderful to share 43 years, four children and 11 grandchildren with such a friend!

 --Gospel Advocate, Nov. 1990, VOL. CXXXII, NO 11