Monday, June 23, 2014



Tolerance is a good word. The true power of tolerance is in its mercy. Its concept moves through every barrier and idea of life. I believe in tolerance. For those who do not agree with me I have tolerance, and hope they will with me. For those who live a life of great sin I have tolerance, for I am a sinner who struggles. It is not that I wish to support sin in my life or anyone, but I am for the sinner. I am for the man or the woman for whom Christ died and shed His blood. I am for the sinner, and I am against the sin. I am against the sin for I know it hurts the sinner and will destroy. I want the best for all humans. We re all sinners.

Before I can be helpful to a person, I must love them and respect them. I love them for God loves them so much. Christ died for them. Before I can help them, I must respect them. I must respect their right to believe what they wish and to live their lives the way they choose. I must realize I am not "god" and I do not know all things. I am on a journey with God ever reaching. All others are on a path as well seeking God and ever reaching. While visiting a man in a local prison, I noticed how he seemed so embarrassed that I had to come and see him in such a place. I took his hand and looked him in the eyes and said, "My dear friend, it is not this place that I came to but it is for you. I am here for you. I love you and wish for you all the best. Christ died for you and will forgive you of all wrongs. He looks upon you now with love and a warm smile, and his arms are open for you. You are worth more than all the treasures of this earth."

You can never tell looking at a man or woman what their temptations and struggles are all about. You may think you know a man or woman but in reality you do not know them. Thus, we must have tolerance for all. We must give each other a break for all are fallen and touched if not tormented by sin. God, have mercy on us all.

The problem is greatest when dealing with people who have no tolerance. They bind their opinions and judgments on me and all others. They have a superior attitude about themselves. They are hard of heart and soul. They hurt people and cause great harm. It is one thing to hold to the truth, and it is quite another to use that "truth" to destroy and hurt people. The message of the gospel is one of healing, forgiveness, atonement, mercy, and hope. How can we take such a glorious message and then use it to hurt and destroy people?

I wish so we could grasp this idea of tolerance. To be tolerant of the human condition is not to disobey God. God has been so patient with all us while we were in sin and still struggle with sin. God help us to be tolerant or another word, merciful unto all humanity.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." (Matt. 5:7)
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8).

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