Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christians and Islam

Islam is growing in the world. More importantly MILITANT ISLAM IS GROWING. I heard a leading scholar on Islam state that "over 30%" of the Muslim world is militant and supports war and death to all who oppose the rule of Islam. It seems every day I read of some country in the world where "Christians" are being persecuted and attacked and killed. I read of others held in prison and facing a very uncertain future.

The news media will not tell the truth. You must do your own research. It is a scary situation. Our government seems confused as to how to view all of this and has chosen a path of negotiation and sweeping it all under the rug. We face dangerous times.

Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world. They deny the deity of Christ. In countries that are ruled by Islam individual liberties are few indeed.

Those Muslims living in the United States must be made to realize that if they wish to stay in our country they must pose no threat to the Constitution of the United States. You are fee to voice your beliefs but you cannot plot the overthrow of our government.
Islam is growing in the United States and poses a great threat to the peace and welfare of our beloved land. You hear many voices of Islam screaming hate and death. You hear few if any voices in the Islamic world calling for peace and love.
Preaching Jesus in Islamic nations is near impossible and one risks imprisonment and death. Debate of the issues is impossible.

What must we do?
1. Pray fervently for our Nation and its leaders. Pray for all the people of Islam that they may come to know Jesus Christ or at least develop a heart of peace.

2. Read and be informed of what is really happening in the world of Islam.

3. Urge our leaders to become informed and stand for the Constitution of the United States and prosecute to the fullest Muslims living here who pose a threat to the lives and security of our nation.

4. Speak up and speak out on this issue for silence and hoping that it will go away will lead to more death and destruction in the long run.

5. Preach Jesus. Do all in your power to support the Church and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this world. For now we have a window of freedom to preach Jesus. There may come a day in which such freedom and opportunity will be limited and we may face great persecution and death to declare the name of Jesus. We must show the love of Jesus to the Muslims in the United States and try to teach and encourage dialogue and understanding and promote peace in all things.
We must put our faith in God. Live for Jesus and be faithful until the very end!

Revelation 20 seems to picture the world at the end as one overran with evil and what few Christians are left are encircled by the enemies of God who are determined to wipe out the Christian faith on earth. Before Satan and his servants can succeed, God ends the world and calls all into judgment. God help us all to be in the number of the true and faithful.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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