Monday, June 23, 2014



We have often talked of "congregational autonomy". More and more I see this violated. We are bound together by a great platform of unity spelled out in Ephesians chapter four. The "seven ones" are the true marks of unity. When they are properly defined, they become the basis for all real unity.
If you travel the world, you shall see many different things in churches of Christ. Some things might make you uncomfo...rtable. Some things may challenge your traditions. However, they are your brethren and for them what you do is very odd and strange.

We must respect "congregational autonomy". I may not like certain things some congregation does. However, they are my brethren, and I pray for them and love them and wish them well. In every case where I have heard something odd about a congregation, and I was able to visit there I did not find it quite that way. This seems to be the norm. Always, give your beloved brethren the benefit of the doubt before going out to broadcast that they are "liberal".

Furthermore, I am not the brotherhood policeman and neither are you. All of us answer to God. Not one of us knows all the Bible. What we think we know could turn out to be erroneous. That is possible. Let us always be open minded and diligent seekers of truth as revealed in the Word.
Let us respect the independence of each congregation. We would not want a church in another state traveling here to set us "straight" and so why should we think they will appreciate us for meddling in their affairs. I would submit that every congregation I know anything about has more than enough to do in taking care of their own affairs. Most congregations have a near ZERO GROWTH RATE so I would think each has plenty to do in their own backyard.

Long ago, I threw away the "rags" that I received in the mail. Those "brotherhood journals" edited by some "Diotrephes" who thinks he is the "Pope" of the churches of Christ. In the end many of these so-called "policemen" were caught up themselves in various scandals.

We all have our Bible, and we all answer to God individually. Each congregation answers to God. Read Revelation two-three and see how the Lord held those congregations accountable. They each answered to Him and so it is today.
Pray for all churches of Christ and do good for all. Love the brotherhood.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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