Monday, June 23, 2014


Can We Be Wrong And Not Know Such?

Is it possible that members of the church of Christ are wrong about many things and yet do not even know such? We often talk about people of the world being sincere but wrong. However, members of the church can be sincere and very wrong. Saul of Tarsus was very sincere and yet very wrong. Peter was very sincere but very wrong. Both had to have a miracle to make them take some major changes in their lives.
Just because we have always believed something does not make it right? Just because the old time preachers preached something does not make it right. Just because some brother wrote a large, thick book on a topic does not mean he is right about the topic.
God is the author and source of all truth through Jesus Christ our Lord (John 1:17). We, like those of Berea must search the Scriptures to be sure we are standing on solid ground (Acts 17:11). Even then, we can be wrong. For we all bring a great deal of subjectivity to our Bible study. We often see the Bible as we wish to see the Bible.

We must admit this fully. Then, we must with humility and prayer, try hard to clear our mind of prejudices and read the Bible with fresh eyes. Read the Word with an open heart and strive always to see the Word the way God sees the Word. This is not easy. It is hard to change our minds on anything religious. We have a built in system in the brain that resists changes and challenges to our preconceived conclusions.

The way things are in the churches of Christ today is not the way it has always been. The way things are today in churches of Christ is most certainly not the way it shall be in A.D. 2100. Culture changes. Tradition changes. Style changes. Technology changes. Life changes. The core values of Christianity will never change, but all else is liquid. God is God. Jesus is the Son of God. Humanity is lost in sin. The gospel which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the heartbeat of the gospel (I Cor. 15). That gospel is the power of God to save sinners (Rom. 1:16).
Many today in the churches of Christ have created a creed just as the Jews did with the Law of Moses. You have to check off all the items that church members believe and do them or else you shall burn. We pass "hell" around way too freely.

Our motto in days past, "Speak Where The Bible Speaks, And Be Silent Where the Bible Is Silent". Well, I truly doubt that any preacher or church has ever done that. We strive for it but practicing it is something else. The Bible speaks on many things that all of us need improvement and full surrender. None of us as Christians or churches collectivity are doing fully all the commandments of God. There had better be some grace or, we are all in trouble. The Bible is silent about many things, that across our brotherhood, preachers, elders, and members, have many things to say about. We are not quite so silent are we?

Each congregation has plenty to do in taking care of its own work. Often the congregation that is dying and on life support seems determined to be the brotherhood policeman. Give me a break. Each congregation has plenty to do in being all they should before God!

As Christians, we often judge our brethren wrongly and thus we ourselves are in sin (Matt. 7:1ff). It is very easy to see the wrongs in others and very hard to see our own flaws.

Yes, we in the churches of Christ can be wrong about many things and no doubt we are. We all need to look to Jesus as our shinning light and be more honest in our Bible study.

What I am advocating here is love for truth, humility, obedience, and respect for the real truth of God. I am urging an abandonment of creeds and full submission to the gospel.
God help us all to walk faithfully!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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