Monday, June 23, 2014



I was an only child until I was nearly 12. I remember those early years so well. Mom never liked this pic of us. She said we all three looked rather "goofy". We lived in the back of a store/gas station on Highway 18 in Jonesboro when this picture was taken. Dad sold groceries and gasoline for cars and did some mechanic work. I remember seeing gas for sale at 19.9. Wow! The store was right near the Hytrol plant here in Jonesboro. The old ...building still stands. I have parked there on occasion and allowed my mind to go back to those days. As a young boy of four, I loved the candy that dad sold in that store and I was always eating too much of such. There was a restaurant in the building, but mom and dad never opened it. Dad and I would always tell mom, "you are the best cook in the world". If you would only open the cafe and cook those delicious meals like you serve us, in time we would all be rich. Mom would laugh and say we were crazy. She had no intentions of operating any cafe. LOL!
My beloved mother died in my arms in October of 2011. When this picture was taken, we would have never imagined that would be how mom's life would end. There in my arms I quoted every Bible verse I knew and quoted the 23rd Psalm over and over. I pray the last words she heard in this life were me quoting that powerful Psalm.

This mother's day I think of my mom like so many think of their mothers. I loved her so. I love her even now. I still cannot believe she is gone. I think of her in a new place safe and happy. I often wonder what she is thinking even now. I do hope she can see my sister, Amy. Mother was so broken when Amy died. A bad time for us all. My sister Patti and I, miss mom so much. I think of her every day. I have sometimes awakened in the night thinking I heard her voice calling to me. I remember her laugh, her jokes, and her goodness.

Oh, how I wish I could sit with mom and dad together once more and eat a meal. Life moves on and such times are gone now forever.

Dad lives at Culpepper in Jonesboro. His room is filled with pictures of him and mom and all the family. The largest picture is of him and mom. I know he misses her so. We all miss her.
Love is enduring and moves through time to touch us all in wonderful ways. I am thankful for the gift of a loving mother. She always sacrificed everything for her children.

I love you mom! Oh, how I pray to God that He and the Angels of glory will be so good to you. I know when I leave this old world and finally by God's grace walk through those pearly gates that I will run here and there looking for you and rushing to your arms.
God bless you mom! God bless you!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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