Monday, June 23, 2014


Each man and each woman should be absolute seekers of TRUTH. Each should strive for excellence. Each should walk the road less traveled.

Speak forth God's words and do God's will. Time is passing. Care not what the world thinks of you. Seek the pleasure of the Almighty!

One does not have to be crude and rude in the sounding forth of that which is right. However, one must be true to God and His will. Some things can never be compromised and must be declared with p...ower and conviction.

We live in an age of wimps and there is a need for real Men and real Women to stand up for the Almighty. Will you stand? Will you be strong for God? Will you be God's man or God's woman?
They who walk with God see all things differently and see things others cannot see. They cannot see for they are blinded by sin and darkness. They who walk with God hear His voice and follow Him while others hear nothing. They do not hear for they are deaf to the voice of truth. Their hearing is gone due to sin and darkness.

You think you now see? Ah, do you really? You think you now hear? Ah, do you really? Embrace the Almighty and a world like no other will come alive for you.
Grasp the power of God and you shall surely live!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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