Monday, June 23, 2014



I have preached and worked with churches just over 37 years, and I have served as an elder for two congregations. I have preached many sermons on the topic and taught various Bible classes on this theme. I have worked with elders of my own congregations where I worked as well as with many other elders in various projects. I feel I have a good understanding of what is going on in churches involving the eldership and also the Biblical instructions regarding elders. In recent years, I have given much thought and meditation to the subject. I hope these thoughts will be helpful.
First, I would say that I have known some fine men serving as elders. I have seen elders who love the Lord and work so very hard. They try to do the work well and help the church. I am sure when the scenes of life and time have passed God will certainly take note of faithful elders who gave their all and helped to advance the Kingdom. Here is what Peter the Apostle declared about the Lord and faithful elders in the church. "And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (I Peter 5:4).

Second, I would like to point out that many of the problems we now face in the church is due to unqualified men serving as elders. Also, we have men serving who will not do the work. We have churches with no elders and allowing unqualified men to serve as leaders and have full authority over the affairs of the body. This is not in keeping with New Testament teaching. Often unqualified men serving as elders and so called "leaders" who are unqualified talk all the time of "sound doctrine" and they condemn churches and preachers they deem "unsound". They set themselves forth as "experts" on the matters of true faith and yet they themselves are unqualified to be in the leadership position they possess. Very ironic? Also, very sinful!

Third, I would like to point out that culture has a lot to do with the present status quo in churches of Christ regarding the eldership. Every society develops various norms and traditions regarding all things it practices. In time even in the church people come to think that these so called "norms" are truly the New Testament way and that altering any of this would be sinful. Thus, the false system becomes entrenched, and the flawed operation becomes systemic. Any effort to change the system is met with total resistance and even great ugliness. These men rule and control and indoctrinate their congregations to be in full submission to them. No challenges to their authority is allowed. Those that do try to challenge are invited to leave that congregation. These men replicate themselves by having the final say on all future men who will serve as elders or "leaders". Thus, the corrupted system is perpetuated from generation to generation. It could well be argued that such failed systems of leadership is one of the principle causes of congregational decline and death.

Fourth, for years many congregations because of this failed leadership model continue to teach I Timothy three and Titus one regarding the qualifications of elders and they continue to wrongly define the terms and wrongly apply the instructions given by the inspired Apostle. Of course, this is no surprise for they must interpret these passages a certain way to support their "authority" and "right to exist". Thus, the Word of God is abused to fit the doctrines of men. Any effort to try to point out a more Biblical approach to leadership and the true meanings of the New Testament texts is met with fierce resistance.

Fifth, many in the church would prefer to support the status quo even though it is contrary to New Testament teaching. They would rather support this false system of leadership because to face the reality of the Scriptures and make the changes necessary and needed would be for them way too painful. Change, even good change, is met with resistance and fear. It is the unknown, and thus brethren just roll over in bed and decide to think on it another day. In most cases major revolutionary changes in governments, societies and religion only takes place through great upheaval. The powers that exist will often fight to the death to maintain their power and control. This was the major issues with the Jews and Jesus Christ. He was a threat to their corrupt leadership and power. Often this is the case even with men who might in some warped way be very sincere and yet they are very wrong.
This is the first in a series of articles on the eldership and leadership in the church. I realize this article is rather negative. However, we must always see clearly the problem we are facing before we can ever suggest possible solutions. Failing to see the problem is indeed part of the problem. God help us to awake. Paul said, "This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:14).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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