Monday, June 23, 2014



Often I have talked to people who argue that all Christians should be at all services of the church or they are less than a Christian. They are not what God would desire. Some even argue they are in sin and will lose their souls, and thus should be marked by the church and censored. On the other side there are those who argue that attendance at the services of the church has nothing to do with your faithfulness to God and should not even be considered at all.

I have a few observations about the above thoughts. First, I have grown to appreciate the fact that in the Bible God loves those with messy lives. By that I mean God loves everyone and that many of the great servants all through the Bible had messed up lives. Some may like to see all men in the church with three piece suits on Sunday and all the ladies in nice dresses. The perfect "nuclear family" as we use to call it. But, today such is not to be the case. People live messy lives. Think of Adam & Eve? They sinned! They messed it up. Think of Cain? He sinned. The first family on earth was
dysfunctional and had a brother kill a brother. Think of Noah? As great as he was you see him after the flood drunk and in shame. Think of Abraham? Mighty Abraham! He struggled with honesty and faith in God. Think of Moses? He failed and did not enter the promised land. Think of David? He lied, deceived, committed adultery and murder. He failed. Yet, "he was a man after God's own heart". He messed up. Think of the Apostles? In the Lord's greatest hour they all ran for their lives. Peter denied even knowing the Lord. Saul of Tarsus was a murderer of Christians with one messed up life. He became the great Apostle.

All this shows that God works through messy people and even messed up churches. Corinth was a messed up church but it was the church of God (I Cor. 1:2).

Life is messy. People have problems. People struggle. On a scale of 1-10 all Christians are either a "1" or a "10". Few if any would make it to a "10". Sometimes we make it to a "5" and then drop down a number or two. Life is messy. We are up and we are down. The church is a family that is to work with each other and help each other. Many churches of Christ have failed to realize this simple fact of life. Christianity is not a "Cookie Cutter" faith. We each walk with our God bearing whatever burdens that are unique to our situation. All of us as the family of God must be considerate of each other and helpful to each other. We each should love and pray for one another. The blood of Christ keeps cleansing us even in our messed up state. Here are two simple verses of scripture that bear this out.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Gal. 6:2).
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32).

The church is filled with those immature in the faith, weak in the faith, and those hurting. It is filled with damaged souls. We are all fallen. The church will never get everyone on the right page. All will strive with ups and downs. Deny this all you wish but it is absolute reality. Some because of the harshness of the church will hold all their pain and struggles deep inside and thus live lives of quite desperation. How sad. Many of these in time will fall away from the faith due to the fact they are emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

So, I guess I have not really answered the opening question stated in this article. That is by design. For, I think there is a lot more involved in this question then is often considered. Christianity is not like a "10 Point Card" you get at the ice cream store. You buy nine ice cream cones and get the tenth one free. Christianity is a life to be lived. A battle to be fought. A war to be won! Christianity is STRUGGLE. In all struggles we have wins and loses. However, Christ is our loving savior and He is full of grace even if brethren often have little.

Would I like all my brothers and sisters to be with me at all services of the church? Oh yes. But whether they are or are not, I still love them all and pray for them. Some may never miss and yet have sin eating them up. Some may not be at all services and yet they may be fighting the devil in ways we could never imagine. In all cases we are all on a scale of growth. Some may be up the ladder higher than others but, instead of condemning those not quite as high as they are, they will reach with their hands and say, "let me help you my brother or sister".

I know a person who has a messed up life. This person has many problems and struggles. This person attends services on occasion but is not as faithful as others in being at all services. Instead of finding out this person's problems and struggles and offer help the elders call constantly to rebuke this person for forsaking the assembly. Finally, they publically mark this person and urge the church to avoid this person for forsaking the assembly. This person vows to never darken the door of any "church of Christ". Another soul ran off by "superior brethren".

Maybe it is time that we all realize that the subject of "church attendance" may not be quite as simple as we have concluded.
Help us oh GOD, we are reaching up to You....take our hands...pull us up. For, we are weak and frail and we need you so!

*Allen Ashlock, *2014

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