Monday, June 23, 2014


Dare To Be Different!

The greatest men and women of all history both secular and Biblical were men and women who dared to be different and to challenge the status quo.
In the OT Noah dared to be different and by and through him the world was saved, and you and I are here today. He walked with God when all the world traveled a different road.
Abraham walked with God. He took a different path and obeyed God and became the father of the faithful.
Joseph lived for God and always kept faith. He went into a strange land as a slave and become a mighty ruler and saved a nation.
So many examples such as Joshua who boldly declared, "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord". The great prophets like Elijah, Daniel, Hosea and others stood for God and traveled the road less traveled and changed the world.
Great women like Deborah, Esther, Hannah, Naomi, Ruth, Sarah, Rebecca, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha, Dorcas , Lydia and Prisca who was instrumental in saving Paul's life. So many great women.
Jesus challenged the status quo. He was the absolute truth. The great religious teachers of his day hated Him. He lived and died and changed the world. He was the greatest person to ever walk the earth! Paul stood tall for God, and he too lived and died and changed the world. The great apostles all one by one lived and died and forever changed the world. Great saints of yesterday stood tall for God, never waivered and gave their all to be a bright light for truth and salvation.
Read Hebrews chapter eleven. There you will learn of some of the greatest men and women who ever lived. The world was indeed unworthy of these courageous souls. Because of them we have the opportunity to walk with God.
What can we learn from all this? We can learn that accepting things as they are is not a wise course. Each generation needs major changes to rise and meet God. Each generation needs a Paul and Prisca to stand up for what is right.
Will you stand? Will you dare to be different?

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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