Friday, June 27, 2014


The Santa Maria may have been found! Wow! This news report motivates us to go back to the dusty books of history and remember the travels and discoveries of Christopher Columbus. His discoveries led to the destruction of many natives ...of North America and yet paved the way for a new opportunity and life for others. A truly mixed bag of good and evil.

Such is the history of humanity. Only one man ever lived that was pure from birth to death and who only did good for all the world. Although, many have done the most terrible deeds in His name.

I think we can appreciate the success and contributions of Christopher Columbus without endorsing the wrongs that followed him. I also believe we should recognize the wrongs in his work, his followers and the suffering of many because of his discoveries. We must always strive for truth. Follow truth wherever it leads. Be not deceived!

Often many seek to be romantics in their study of history. They searched for glory and honor when in reality there existed only death and shame. They searched for scandal when there was good. They are blinded by their own sordid prejudices. This we must face.

Learn from history and seek the truths that it might provide. Always realize that truth is a big combination of good and evil, of joy and sorrow, and pleasure and suffering. It is the story of riches and poverty. It is the reality of history!

Perhaps in our study of history we can learn things so that we might avoid many of the wrongs of the past. Is such an endeavor possible? I am not so sure. For each generation seems to constantly repeat the same terrible mistakes of the past. However, I can hope!

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