Monday, June 23, 2014


What would happen if every Sunday for a year we just talked about the glory and greatness of Jesus? Jesus is everything! He is the energy and power of the church. All doctrine derives its importance from the power that is in Jesus Christ. Preaching and teaching about Jesus each Sunday will help keep the focus where it should be. It helps all to see clearly what is important and what is of insignificance. Jesus makes all things better!

Could it be that the very... thing that defines us is the very thing we have neglected? I have noticed in my preaching that when I took the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and just preached through every verse that something happened. The church was made stronger. There was a great balance that came over the church. There was peace. Those that tended to be negative and argumentative calmed down and those that were filled with anxiety developed a more peaceful attitude. The church avoided fussing about silly issues. Yes, Jesus makes all things better.

Let the church talk of Jesus more! Let every Christian read the gospels more and talk of Jesus more! Let preachers preach the beauty of Jesus more and then hold on, wondrous things shall happen!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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