Friday, June 27, 2014


Oh, to live a spiritual life! What is it to live such a life? I fear in our culture we have Americanized Christianity to such a degree we now find it difficult if not impossible to see pure faith. Thank about that?

Culture is the world we live in and function. Culture involves our parents, our society, education, work, extended family, friends, peers, politics, entertainment, money, marketing, advertisements, language, world view, and a host of other things. Every nation has its own unique culture. Culture is powerful and shapes our personality, beliefs, and creates a filter whereby we sift everything else in life. Even as we approach the Bible, we do so through the eye glasses of our culture. We see the Bible and the Christian faith through the filter of our culture. We develop all kinds of beliefs and ideas that are really not in the text of the Scriptures but rather are a result of our cultural filtering system. We affirm boldly we are right about something and we scream to the high heavens that this and that must be done the way we so affirm or else it is sin. Other people reading the same Bible in their culture do not see what we see and are amazed that we cannot see what they see.

So, those that wish to escape the power of culture and read the Bible in its purity are up against a great wall. However, I believe we can overcome. I believe we can read the Bible and come to an understanding that will guide us safely from this life to the next and into the arms of Jesus!. If, I did not believe that then I would give up and turn to a life of complete secularism.

What can we do to escape the power of culture and its impact on our spiritual walk with God? First, we must recognize the powerful impact of culture in our lives. Second, we must meditate and pray about this. As I open my Bible, I often pray, "Oh Lord, please remove from my mind all bias and prejudice and help me see clearly your will." Third, we must be serious students of the Bible. We must think of the history of the Bible. Remember, the culture in which the Bible writers existed is so foreign to our world and time. You must study your Bible with the desire to glean from it the glory and light that God would wish to impart upon you. I believe the overall theme of the Bible can be stated as such: THE GLORY OF GOD, THE SALVATION OF MAN, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD." Every book of the Bible fits to this overall theme. The Bible tells me where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going. I look at the Bible as a message from the Spirit of God to me, seeking to communicate with me and to direct me through this maze of life to the other side. Fourth, you must ask yourself always, "why do I believe what I believe?" Think, think, think! Meditate! Why? Why? Your task on this earth is to overcome the many obstacles that Satan has set before you to prevent you from achieving the greatest prize of life: HEAVEN!
I believe a Christian can overcome the barriers of culture in blinding them to the real truth of God. I do believe that culture is not all bad. Culture makes our world so interesting. The diversity of humanity is a wondrous thing. I have studied the Hindu religion and learned much that blesses me today, such as the great connection of all life. I have studied Buddha and learned much of quiet mediation and peace. Islam has taught me that God's hand is in all things and my task is to fully surrender to His will. Do I accept the conclusions of these religions? No! I accept and honor Jesus Christ as the Son of God and only Savior of humanity. Jesus is my Lord. But, in becoming a Christian I did not turn off my brain. I am fascinated about life and all the diversity of humanity. I often ask, WHY?

So, how can I live a spiritual life for God? I weed through the culture of my times and look into His glorious Word to find the truth that sets me free. I look at nature and I see the fingerprints of God. I look at the universe and marvel at the power of the God, I call my Father. I look at the diversity of humanity and stand in awe of humans made in His image.

I seek to walk by faith, love, grace, mercy and absolute truth. I bow before the great "I AM". I shout glory and praise to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I seek to show such joy and love to everyone and share with them the GLORY THAT IS OF GOD!

"So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves." (Gal. 5:16).
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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