Sunday, June 30, 2013

Right And Wrong (?)


Does absolute truth exist? Some say yes, and some say no. What are the real implications to our society, if no absolute truth exists? Have you ever thought about this?

Attached to this article is a picture of HItler. He is truly the icon of what happens to a society when they buy into the idea, that no absolute truth exists. He committed mass murder on a National scale of millions of German Citizens, Jews and others. Are such actions absolutely wrong?

A Law Professor of a major law university wrote that he asked his class of graduating future lawyers, was the actions of Hitler against the Jews an absolute evil? Over 75% of the class, said, no! Amazing.

I truly believe that at the heart of all our problems in America is this question of whether or not there exists absolute and knowable truth.

Let me say this. If no absolute moral truth exists then we are at the mercy of what each individual thinks and considers and thus the very foundation of our laws will dissolve before all. Each may do whatever he or she feels they wish to do and there are no consequences for there are no absolutes. Think about our judicial system as it operates today. More and more you can see the attitude that there is no absolute moral evil. Even the average man or woman sitting on the jury seems caught up with this. No longer is the issue in the court room what is right or wrong but we must understand it. Thus, more and more the jury is deadlocked and a terrible murderer walks out with little punishment. In our legal system we go on and on and spend millions of dollars and delay the verdict for as long as possible to deal with legal procedures and questions that have nothing to do with the true guilt of the person being tried. In all of this the outrage for evil is lost as each considers the why's and wherefore's of the case. Our judicial system more and more is falling apart and with it goes justice and much of what we hold dear.

The Bible was once the standard in religion in America. Good people of various "Churches" could debate and argue their case using the Bible as the final decision maker. No longer is that true. More and more, society in America holds to the idea that the Bible is a good book but not one of absolute authority in our lives. Thus each person decides his own version of religion or comes to the idea that all religions are of equal standing and there is no such thing as right or wrong in the pursuit of God.

The reason
we live in a nation where abortion is tolerated and many other moral evil's is because we no longer consider as a nation that there exists any absolute moral evil's. We are deadlocked and cannot find a solution.

Our beloved United States Constitution is feeling the effects of a society of no absolute truth. The U.S. Constitution is words with ideas in them and they were to govern our Nation and direct our society. The words and thoughts in the Constitution represented limits on government and defined the freedom's of our people. If you did not like something in it then you were to add an amendment by the process given in the document. However, today there is no need for amendments for the courts and the President and the Legislature defines the Constitution however they so desire. When did you last hear of anyone talking of an amendment to our Constitution? No need. Just interpret it however you wish to get what you wish and that is the end of it. Thus, the grand old document has come to mean nothing. Everyone will define it whatever way they wish. The Supreme Court just defines it as they wish and cares nothing for the original words and ideas therein written. Subjective thinking now rules in law and rules in religion and nearly in all aspects of our lives. Families feel the effects of such and the breakdown of the home is seen all around us.

What is the solution?
I am afraid the answer to that may be very painful to read. History teaches us that such societies as ours once we have reached this point will not be restored without much pain and suffering. Our people as a whole must develop a new mind set and way of thinking. We must go back to what made our nation great and what forms the basics of logical thinking. Yes, as a nation we have lost all sense of LOGIC. Logic was once taught in our high schools and colleges. The ideas of critical thinking and the proper way to discern the truth and the validity of arguments. Logic is based on the idea that there is absolute truth. Not all ideas are equal. No all speeches though entertaining are valid and true. No all laws are just and fair and right. Not all rulings of the courts right. Not all "Church sermons" true and right. We must understand what makes up truth and define it properly. We must understand that without absolute truth we will be completely destroyed.

There exits absolute truth and such can be discerned in the Bible. Logic is the tool to get us there to understand ideas and concepts and come to a right understanding of action for all of us. Look up some good books on logic. The old ones are the best. Do some thinking on how you can understand reality and right and wrong. Weigh in the balance the ideas of men and reject those that are wrong and hold fast to those that are right. Use logic in reading the newspaper. Teach your children logic at home and to be critical listeners and thinkers on their own. Ask questions of all ideas and seek to get to the real root what is right and what is wrong. Use logic in business and education and politics. Follow no man or woman unless they follow the path of absolute truth. To reject absolute truth is in the end to reject God Himself and to turn to complete UNBELIEF. There are serious national and individual consequences to the rejection of absolute truth and the effects are far reaching and in the end brings destruction to our nation more powerful than nuclear bombs.

God help us to return to some sense of

sanity and reasonable intelligence. For though we as a nation are ever learning we seem unable to come to the knowledge of THE TRUTH.

Out Of Control Government

Our entire government is out of control and Unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch are all out of control and Unconstitutional. Its shameful, but we as a nation seem bent on just accepting this. Its both shameful and amazing.
This is how great nations die. They die when evil men take over and good people do nothing. Many do not realize that our great Constitution no longer rules our nation. Government does whatever its wishes and says it is constitutional. No one even mentions the "amendment process". There is no need for an amendment to the Constitution for all three branches of government do what they want and call it constitutional. We have allowed the godless of our nation to take over our government. The only cure will be a very painful one. For now, the people want what the ancient Romans wanted, "bread and circuses". That is a good meal and good entertainment. A day of great judgment is coming for America and the price this nation will pay for its failed economic policies and evil deeds will be very grave indeed. Oh God, help Christians to be faithful in the coming judgment on our nation.

I love America and I am thankful for all the opportunities this great Nation has given me and my family. I pray for all and wish all the best. I pray that somehow even now, our nation can turn the clock back and come to its senses. We must balance our national budget and begin paying off our enormous debt. We must reward work, creativity, and success. We must penalize the lazy and the ungodly. We must be a nation of compassion for those who are sick and hurting and unable to help themselves. We must truly punish the criminals and protect the innocent. We must honor, respect and obey the Constitution of the United States. Government workers including all persons of government no matter how lowly their job or how high up, who will not honor our Constitution need to face long prison sentences. Above all, we must be a nation that respects Almighty God!

Loving Hands

Their hands are now old but once they were young and bright. Now old and wrinkled but once so smooth. Such is life! Love grows through the years, from those early days of youth to days of age, and yet the flame of love burns bright. Now old in years each looks at the other with tender stares. Each sees the other as they were when young. For love is that way, you know! Love sees not the imperfections of the other but only the beauty. A woman of 90 is still just 18 to the man that loves her. A man of 90 is still dark and handsome to the woman who loves him. Yes, their hands are old now and wrinkled and they hold each others hands tight. They are hanging on for dear life. Time is running out on earth. Each wishes to die together at the same moment for each cannot imagine life without the other. In these hands of age there is beauty and a message. A message to all. Your hands may be young and smooth now but one day they too shall be old and wrinkled. Pray you have someone to hold your hands in old age that sees you not as the old man or old woman, but someone so beautiful and so dear, who so greatly loves you. They see you young and glorious for you are the love of their life and that person is the love of your life. Love never grows old but endures through life and beyond. If love is rich and deep it crosses the chilly lake of death and endures for eternity. Great is the power of deep, abiding, joyful and glorious LOVE. --Allen Ashlock--

What Is The Essence Of Life?

What is the essence of life? Life is so short and yet each of us lives our life like we shall live forever. Ponder this: If you live to age 80 and have an average heart then your heart will beat 3,027,456,000 beats. So, at your birth the count down is moving fast.

If you were to live to be 80 you will have 29,200 days. Wow! That does not sound like a big number at all. The days are passing fast.

You may say, "I do not like to think about this". That is how most feel. We do not like to think of our mortality. With each breath we take we are just that much closer to our last one. Our mortality is in every breath we take and every beat of our heart.

So, what shall we do? Here are our options. We can never think of this and live as if we shall live forever. It is the grand delusion that most of the human race entertains constantly. Only in the last moments of life does one wake up to face this sobering reality, I Am Going To Die! But, then it is too late to make any great decisions for life is over. Second, we could live life in fear and whatever time we have we waste and squander into meaningless activity. Third, we could be so full of despair that we take our life and thus hasten our own mortality. We loose it all and fast. Fourth, we could give ourselves to total pleasure. We use people and everything for whatever moment of pleasure we can get. The ides is, "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow I shall die". This gives us a moment of temporary pleasure but then in and of itself becomes absolute boredom and monotony. Your life becomes a vain existence. Fifth, you might try nobility. You work, work, work to make money or develop a talent in some field and your goal is to achieve fame and notoriety. You think by so doing you can live forever in some book, movie, or maybe a statue of yourself erected in some park. Such is fleeting. Many of the greatest humans to walk the earth are all but forgotten by the world today.

What then is the purpose of this life of 29,200 days?
That depends on you. It depends on your decision. Only you can decide what these days shall become. You can waste them away, dream them away, or, you may truly live. Your choice. Truly live.

Once you decide if you will truly live then you must decide what is truth and what is the real purpose of life. You look through the books and find some voodoo belief system that makes sense to you and embrace and go with it. The books are full of any philosophy you may like. However, there are many trap doors. What if I were to say to you, you can choose one of some 1,000,000 doors. All doors but one is a trap door that leads to absolute ruin. Only one door leads to a life worth living. You would through up your hands in amazement and declare, "it is hopeless, how could I ever find the right door". What if I then said but there are clues. If you will listen to the instructions carefully you can find the right door and live a life of great purpose. You then will ask, "what are those clues?"

What if I told you that there are copies of these instructions in books. What if I told you there are more of these books on earth than any other book ever published. They are everywhere available. They are right under your nose. It is a treasure map that leads to a glorious life now and life of absolute immortality.

You then see where I am going. It is the Bible. You throw up your hands and declare, "it can't be, there has to be more, who can understand the Bible." Therein is the trap door. You see, there are great powers at work. The power of good and the power of evil. You are surrounded by such forces. A war is underway. The war of life. However, you have the ultimate power to win. You have the power to end it and end it well. You have the power of free-will choice. You can decide.

You can decide the meaning and purpose of your life. It is connected to one person and that person is Jesus Christ. He is on the other side of the sea of life. He is calling you home. Do you hear His voice? Hie is calling, calling, calling. Listen carefully to His voice for He will tell you how to get to Him safely. You make the decision to come to Him and you open the forces of great power to encircle you and get you safely to Him.

The decision is yours. You live but once. You walk the earth but once. You may get 29,200 days. You may get 3,027,456,000 heart beats. But, then again you may not. It might end any moment. Again, that is another trap door. So, there is urgency. You cannot just go on and on delaying the decision without great danger.

You have the power to alter the course of history. Your history. You must decide and you alone must choose. Choose well for much is depending on your choice.

Here is where you can start. Read the Gospel of Mark in the Bible, the New Testament. Read it well and carefully. Read it many times It is sixteen chapters of power that will transform your life. It is the starting point. It is the most powerful message on earth and yet most do not realize it is right before them every day.

It is your life. Where are you going? What are you doing? What is your purpose? The clock of life is ticking and it is wound but once. Strike now.

Let me know if I can help. May the God who is eternal and made all things be with you and give you strength, wisdom, and courage to decide. Allen Ashlock

The Constitution Of The United States

I am sad to say but I believe we now live in a post Constitutional age in America. It is Post Constitutional and Pre Dictatorship. I am a student of history. I like to think of myself as an historian. I have a massive library that I have assembled going back 35 plus years. I have studied history in college in the undergraduate and graduate levels and I listen on a regular basis to all the top history professors of the nation by audio and video CD's and DVD's. I observe the news. I like to look at the newspapers and the cable news programs. I try to look at all of them and survey all. I watch. I listen. I meditate on what I have seen.

My conclusion, our Constitution is dead for all practical purposes. However, most in the Nation do not see such. However, many do. More and more Americans are waking up. But, is it too late? I believe what you are seeing now has been planned by powerful people for a long time. The plan was a gradual destruction of our Constitution and moving it first to Socialism and then to Dictatorship. If such succeeds it will plunge America into absolute destruction and economic ruin. We will be a 3rd world nation. Gone will be the days of invention and innovation. Government will control everything.

How did this happen? Well, that is a long and complicated study. Books will one day be written on how America declined and lost its freedoms. For now, I pose these observations.

First, notice how no one any longer talks of an Amendment to our Constitution. We have a Constitution. It is to be honored and respected and obeyed. The courts and even the Supreme Court is bound by an Oath to uphold that Constitution. However, more and more they make rulings that the Constitution no where authorizes. If the Nation desires this and that then they need to go through the Amendment process. You no longer hear of any desire for an Amendment because as the government functions now, there is no need for such. The last Amendment was added in 1992. It was first introduced in 1789. So, the great issues of our present day are not even being looked at as to an Amendment.

Amazing. The last Amendment is the 27th Amendment that basically says that Congress cannot raise its pay while in office but any future pay increases will take effect in the next elected Congress. That is it. The U.S. Constitution does not authorize abortion but the Supreme Court said it did. If we wanted such we should have gone for an Amendment. The court created the authority for such out of thin air and got by with it. Those that voted for such violated their oath of office and should have been immediately impeached and removed. The high court recently supported Obama Care. Again, the congress said that forcing Americans to buy health care was no tax. The court understood that such would be and is unconstitutional and thus it would have to be struck down. However, the court decided to redefine the Obama Care law and declared it a tax and thus authorized it. Again, those voting for such violated their oath of office and should have immediately been impeached. Now, the high court has ruled that gay marriage is to be the law of the land. In two rulings yesterday they set the stage. How could anyone believe that our beloved Constitution ever sanctioned gay marriage. If you want such then you must have an amendment to the Constitution. The high court ignored such and ruled and made the Constitution fit the situation. At least they should have allowed the states to make such decisions seeing how marriage and family law is governed by each state. On and on we could go. More and more rulings that have no Constitutional basis. More and more the law of our Constitution is being usurped and trampled upon. Even now the rights of Americans are being removed. Often the people vote in majority on an issue and Courts throw it out. More and more they throw out the elected will of the citizens.

I saw yesterday a gay activist declare that she hoped the members of the high court that voted no to gay marriage would have a change of mind and realizing the changing climate in America. What!!!!! The high court is to review the Constitution and make rulings on what is stated and not based on the mood of the nation. Amazing. Absolutely amazing! We have lost it. We have lost it big time.

We do not need an Amendment to the Constitution, any amendment because the courts and the legislative and the executive branches of government do whatever they wish and find some legal standing to justify it and make it fit the Constitution. The Commerce clause of our beloved Constitution has been used to justify every overreaching power of government.

Another observation is this. I believe our present Constitution is ineffective in holding back tyrannical government. When the Constitution was set up originally we had just four cabinet posts. They were State, Treasury, War, and Justice. Now, we have 15 cabinet posts. Government has become so big and especially the executive branch that it is impossible to regulate itself. The Constitution originally set up a great system of checks and balances. With the executive having only 4 cabinets posts it worked rather well. Today, the executive branch has 2,756,000 employees. Massive. The legislative and judicial branches have 64,000 employees. Checks and balances are impossible to maintain with such power and intimidation and especially in the executive branch. The present Constitution was never designed for such an enormous government. We are in trouble, big trouble.

Another significant issue that has contributed to the breakdown of our Constitution is the loss of power by the States. When our Constitution was set up the balance of powers was strong in State Rights. After the Civil War the States lots significant power and influence to check the Federal powers. As a result the Federal Government grew and grew and with it massive debts. The States where powerless to stop the overreaching power of the Federal Government. More and more courts gave the Federal Government power and took away power from the States. Thus, the Constitution as it was originally designed was broken and checks and balances so sacred to the original framers of our beloved Constitution was eliminated. This paved the way for enormous Federal power to the extent that it has taken away many freedoms of Americans.

What should happen? I would propose the impeachment of many in high government based on their violation of the Constitution. Men and women who violate their oath of office must be held accountable. Second, I would propose a new Amendment to the Constitution that would be called, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION, POWER DEFINITIONS, AND BUDGET AUTHORITY AMENDMENT. It would be the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It would close down the following cabinet positions in the executive branch and restore their authority and work to the individual states. The cabinet posts closed would be education, health and human services, housing and urban development, labor, transportation, energy, and agriculture. This would leave only Commerce, Defense, Homeland Security, State, Treasury, Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General. In addition the Amendment would significantly curtail the scope and power of each of these agencies returning to the States as much power and direction as possible. You see, our beloved Constitution envisioned the States being a sort of check for the Federal government. The States no longer can be a check for all their authority has been gutted. Under Commerce you could have a Agriculture division, Housing and Urban Development, Interior and Transportation. All with limited power and scope and working more in cooperation and consultation with the States. The States would take care of their own welfare systems and education. States would be authorized to form National Organizations to look at transportation and see what was best. In addition, this new 28th Amendment would demand a balanced budget and take away from the Federal Government the power to borrow. Only by a 2/3 vote of Congress and 2/3 vote of the States could money be borrowed in the event of a National emergency and only then under strict guidelines. Next, the Supreme Court and all other Federal Courts would be reigned in and given only such authority as the Constitution authorizes. Judges violating their oath would face immediate removal from office, a trial would be held and if found guilty removal from office permanently and prison. Congress would be able to pass laws but no pork would be allowed. That is, a bill would be a bill. Amendments unrelated to the law being considered would be illegal. Furthermore, the regulatory powers of the Federal government would be gutted and most removed from its authority. Severe prison terms would be inflicted against all Federal employees found guilty of breaking the Constitution and violating the freedoms of Americans.

All in all this new 28th Amendment would severely limit the power of the Federal Government and restore back to the States the power it was originally given. It would bring back to the government a respect for the Constitution and the freedoms of all Americans.

We are at the 11th hour. Even now the traitors to our beloved Constitution are working non stop to claim power. The task before us is daunting and the freedoms of all Americans are at stake. Dictatorship looms before us. Freedom once lost is hard, very hard to reclaim. God bless America and the Constitution of the United States of America.