Sunday, June 30, 2013

Loving Hands

Their hands are now old but once they were young and bright. Now old and wrinkled but once so smooth. Such is life! Love grows through the years, from those early days of youth to days of age, and yet the flame of love burns bright. Now old in years each looks at the other with tender stares. Each sees the other as they were when young. For love is that way, you know! Love sees not the imperfections of the other but only the beauty. A woman of 90 is still just 18 to the man that loves her. A man of 90 is still dark and handsome to the woman who loves him. Yes, their hands are old now and wrinkled and they hold each others hands tight. They are hanging on for dear life. Time is running out on earth. Each wishes to die together at the same moment for each cannot imagine life without the other. In these hands of age there is beauty and a message. A message to all. Your hands may be young and smooth now but one day they too shall be old and wrinkled. Pray you have someone to hold your hands in old age that sees you not as the old man or old woman, but someone so beautiful and so dear, who so greatly loves you. They see you young and glorious for you are the love of their life and that person is the love of your life. Love never grows old but endures through life and beyond. If love is rich and deep it crosses the chilly lake of death and endures for eternity. Great is the power of deep, abiding, joyful and glorious LOVE. --Allen Ashlock--

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