Sunday, June 30, 2013

Out Of Control Government

Our entire government is out of control and Unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch are all out of control and Unconstitutional. Its shameful, but we as a nation seem bent on just accepting this. Its both shameful and amazing.
This is how great nations die. They die when evil men take over and good people do nothing. Many do not realize that our great Constitution no longer rules our nation. Government does whatever its wishes and says it is constitutional. No one even mentions the "amendment process". There is no need for an amendment to the Constitution for all three branches of government do what they want and call it constitutional. We have allowed the godless of our nation to take over our government. The only cure will be a very painful one. For now, the people want what the ancient Romans wanted, "bread and circuses". That is a good meal and good entertainment. A day of great judgment is coming for America and the price this nation will pay for its failed economic policies and evil deeds will be very grave indeed. Oh God, help Christians to be faithful in the coming judgment on our nation.

I love America and I am thankful for all the opportunities this great Nation has given me and my family. I pray for all and wish all the best. I pray that somehow even now, our nation can turn the clock back and come to its senses. We must balance our national budget and begin paying off our enormous debt. We must reward work, creativity, and success. We must penalize the lazy and the ungodly. We must be a nation of compassion for those who are sick and hurting and unable to help themselves. We must truly punish the criminals and protect the innocent. We must honor, respect and obey the Constitution of the United States. Government workers including all persons of government no matter how lowly their job or how high up, who will not honor our Constitution need to face long prison sentences. Above all, we must be a nation that respects Almighty God!

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