Sunday, June 30, 2013

Right And Wrong (?)


Does absolute truth exist? Some say yes, and some say no. What are the real implications to our society, if no absolute truth exists? Have you ever thought about this?

Attached to this article is a picture of HItler. He is truly the icon of what happens to a society when they buy into the idea, that no absolute truth exists. He committed mass murder on a National scale of millions of German Citizens, Jews and others. Are such actions absolutely wrong?

A Law Professor of a major law university wrote that he asked his class of graduating future lawyers, was the actions of Hitler against the Jews an absolute evil? Over 75% of the class, said, no! Amazing.

I truly believe that at the heart of all our problems in America is this question of whether or not there exists absolute and knowable truth.

Let me say this. If no absolute moral truth exists then we are at the mercy of what each individual thinks and considers and thus the very foundation of our laws will dissolve before all. Each may do whatever he or she feels they wish to do and there are no consequences for there are no absolutes. Think about our judicial system as it operates today. More and more you can see the attitude that there is no absolute moral evil. Even the average man or woman sitting on the jury seems caught up with this. No longer is the issue in the court room what is right or wrong but we must understand it. Thus, more and more the jury is deadlocked and a terrible murderer walks out with little punishment. In our legal system we go on and on and spend millions of dollars and delay the verdict for as long as possible to deal with legal procedures and questions that have nothing to do with the true guilt of the person being tried. In all of this the outrage for evil is lost as each considers the why's and wherefore's of the case. Our judicial system more and more is falling apart and with it goes justice and much of what we hold dear.

The Bible was once the standard in religion in America. Good people of various "Churches" could debate and argue their case using the Bible as the final decision maker. No longer is that true. More and more, society in America holds to the idea that the Bible is a good book but not one of absolute authority in our lives. Thus each person decides his own version of religion or comes to the idea that all religions are of equal standing and there is no such thing as right or wrong in the pursuit of God.

The reason
we live in a nation where abortion is tolerated and many other moral evil's is because we no longer consider as a nation that there exists any absolute moral evil's. We are deadlocked and cannot find a solution.

Our beloved United States Constitution is feeling the effects of a society of no absolute truth. The U.S. Constitution is words with ideas in them and they were to govern our Nation and direct our society. The words and thoughts in the Constitution represented limits on government and defined the freedom's of our people. If you did not like something in it then you were to add an amendment by the process given in the document. However, today there is no need for amendments for the courts and the President and the Legislature defines the Constitution however they so desire. When did you last hear of anyone talking of an amendment to our Constitution? No need. Just interpret it however you wish to get what you wish and that is the end of it. Thus, the grand old document has come to mean nothing. Everyone will define it whatever way they wish. The Supreme Court just defines it as they wish and cares nothing for the original words and ideas therein written. Subjective thinking now rules in law and rules in religion and nearly in all aspects of our lives. Families feel the effects of such and the breakdown of the home is seen all around us.

What is the solution?
I am afraid the answer to that may be very painful to read. History teaches us that such societies as ours once we have reached this point will not be restored without much pain and suffering. Our people as a whole must develop a new mind set and way of thinking. We must go back to what made our nation great and what forms the basics of logical thinking. Yes, as a nation we have lost all sense of LOGIC. Logic was once taught in our high schools and colleges. The ideas of critical thinking and the proper way to discern the truth and the validity of arguments. Logic is based on the idea that there is absolute truth. Not all ideas are equal. No all speeches though entertaining are valid and true. No all laws are just and fair and right. Not all rulings of the courts right. Not all "Church sermons" true and right. We must understand what makes up truth and define it properly. We must understand that without absolute truth we will be completely destroyed.

There exits absolute truth and such can be discerned in the Bible. Logic is the tool to get us there to understand ideas and concepts and come to a right understanding of action for all of us. Look up some good books on logic. The old ones are the best. Do some thinking on how you can understand reality and right and wrong. Weigh in the balance the ideas of men and reject those that are wrong and hold fast to those that are right. Use logic in reading the newspaper. Teach your children logic at home and to be critical listeners and thinkers on their own. Ask questions of all ideas and seek to get to the real root what is right and what is wrong. Use logic in business and education and politics. Follow no man or woman unless they follow the path of absolute truth. To reject absolute truth is in the end to reject God Himself and to turn to complete UNBELIEF. There are serious national and individual consequences to the rejection of absolute truth and the effects are far reaching and in the end brings destruction to our nation more powerful than nuclear bombs.

God help us to return to some sense of

sanity and reasonable intelligence. For though we as a nation are ever learning we seem unable to come to the knowledge of THE TRUTH.

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