Sunday, June 30, 2013

What Is The Essence Of Life?

What is the essence of life? Life is so short and yet each of us lives our life like we shall live forever. Ponder this: If you live to age 80 and have an average heart then your heart will beat 3,027,456,000 beats. So, at your birth the count down is moving fast.

If you were to live to be 80 you will have 29,200 days. Wow! That does not sound like a big number at all. The days are passing fast.

You may say, "I do not like to think about this". That is how most feel. We do not like to think of our mortality. With each breath we take we are just that much closer to our last one. Our mortality is in every breath we take and every beat of our heart.

So, what shall we do? Here are our options. We can never think of this and live as if we shall live forever. It is the grand delusion that most of the human race entertains constantly. Only in the last moments of life does one wake up to face this sobering reality, I Am Going To Die! But, then it is too late to make any great decisions for life is over. Second, we could live life in fear and whatever time we have we waste and squander into meaningless activity. Third, we could be so full of despair that we take our life and thus hasten our own mortality. We loose it all and fast. Fourth, we could give ourselves to total pleasure. We use people and everything for whatever moment of pleasure we can get. The ides is, "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow I shall die". This gives us a moment of temporary pleasure but then in and of itself becomes absolute boredom and monotony. Your life becomes a vain existence. Fifth, you might try nobility. You work, work, work to make money or develop a talent in some field and your goal is to achieve fame and notoriety. You think by so doing you can live forever in some book, movie, or maybe a statue of yourself erected in some park. Such is fleeting. Many of the greatest humans to walk the earth are all but forgotten by the world today.

What then is the purpose of this life of 29,200 days?
That depends on you. It depends on your decision. Only you can decide what these days shall become. You can waste them away, dream them away, or, you may truly live. Your choice. Truly live.

Once you decide if you will truly live then you must decide what is truth and what is the real purpose of life. You look through the books and find some voodoo belief system that makes sense to you and embrace and go with it. The books are full of any philosophy you may like. However, there are many trap doors. What if I were to say to you, you can choose one of some 1,000,000 doors. All doors but one is a trap door that leads to absolute ruin. Only one door leads to a life worth living. You would through up your hands in amazement and declare, "it is hopeless, how could I ever find the right door". What if I then said but there are clues. If you will listen to the instructions carefully you can find the right door and live a life of great purpose. You then will ask, "what are those clues?"

What if I told you that there are copies of these instructions in books. What if I told you there are more of these books on earth than any other book ever published. They are everywhere available. They are right under your nose. It is a treasure map that leads to a glorious life now and life of absolute immortality.

You then see where I am going. It is the Bible. You throw up your hands and declare, "it can't be, there has to be more, who can understand the Bible." Therein is the trap door. You see, there are great powers at work. The power of good and the power of evil. You are surrounded by such forces. A war is underway. The war of life. However, you have the ultimate power to win. You have the power to end it and end it well. You have the power of free-will choice. You can decide.

You can decide the meaning and purpose of your life. It is connected to one person and that person is Jesus Christ. He is on the other side of the sea of life. He is calling you home. Do you hear His voice? Hie is calling, calling, calling. Listen carefully to His voice for He will tell you how to get to Him safely. You make the decision to come to Him and you open the forces of great power to encircle you and get you safely to Him.

The decision is yours. You live but once. You walk the earth but once. You may get 29,200 days. You may get 3,027,456,000 heart beats. But, then again you may not. It might end any moment. Again, that is another trap door. So, there is urgency. You cannot just go on and on delaying the decision without great danger.

You have the power to alter the course of history. Your history. You must decide and you alone must choose. Choose well for much is depending on your choice.

Here is where you can start. Read the Gospel of Mark in the Bible, the New Testament. Read it well and carefully. Read it many times It is sixteen chapters of power that will transform your life. It is the starting point. It is the most powerful message on earth and yet most do not realize it is right before them every day.

It is your life. Where are you going? What are you doing? What is your purpose? The clock of life is ticking and it is wound but once. Strike now.

Let me know if I can help. May the God who is eternal and made all things be with you and give you strength, wisdom, and courage to decide. Allen Ashlock

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