Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Garden of Eden

If we were all in the garden of Eden before sin entered the world then all would be sugar and spice and everything nice. But, then Adam and Even ate of the forbidden fruit and nothing was fully sugar and spice and everything nice again. Our world has good and evil. We have that which is true, good, and noble and that which is false, bad, and dishonorable.

This is the real world. I prefer to be positive but that does not mean I stick my head in the sand and ignore real...ity. No problem or problems can ever be solved if we just ignore talking about such. We have to define the problem, show what it is and why it is dangerous, and then move on to solutions to apply in helping us all move forward.

God help us all to keep good attitudes and have a humble and loving heart. God bless.
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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