Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Eldership (3)

I have written two other articles on the eldership and I urge you to read those before reading this installment.   I realize that most in the brotherhood will not accept my conclusions and observations.   They will continue with the same model they now follow.   Most preachers will never fully address any reforms regarding the eldership because of fear of losing their paycheck.  Which proves my point.   Elderships have become in many cases, "dictatorship power shakers".    They rule as executive board of directors with unchecked power.   I see nothing in the New Testament to support such an arrangement.

Elders are appointed and approved by the congregation.   They can be removed by the congregation.    The elders are answerable to the congregation for their character and their work.   They are not dictators.   The Word of God trumps all decisions the elders make.    The elders must bow to the Word as must all.     In matters of opinion and judgment elders must talk to the congregation, educate the congregation, and answer questions.   Wise elders build a consensus in the body for moving the church forward.   They are to be Shepherds and leaders and lovingly and carefully helping the congregation serve with honor to the glory of God.

Wise elders know the difference between matters of faith that have to do with our eternal salvation and matters of diversity in thought and work.    Wise elders are tolerant and forbearing to the congregation.   They are not policemen to control the members and their Christian walk.  The elders do not own the membership.   The members are free to worship with any congregation they desire and there is nothing the elders can do about such.  Christians belong to the Lord.  Wise elders lead a church in a positive and loving way so the members are thrilled to be part of that church family.
In selecting men to serve as elders wisdom must be used.   No one should be made an elder who is not qualified.  No one should be made an elder who has only his good buddy to nominate him.    Each that serves should be someone of such character that a substantial number of the congregation nominates and wishes him to serve.   If a good number oppose such then that man has no business being an elder.   It is not about you who are asked to serve as elders.   It is about the Lord and it is about the church and it is about the great work that must be done.  No matter what view you have about the eldership, if the congregation is in turmoil and division over the selecting of any elder or the decisions of the eldership,  then all will be lost.    Souls have deserted the church over men not approved to serve as elders or bad decisions made by elders.   

We often hear of "serving under the eldership".   I serve under the direction of Jesus Christ and so should every member.   The elders are shepherds to help us along the way but they never replace the Lordship of Jesus Christ.    We have read too much into the concept of the "authority of the eldership."  Wise elderships will have well planned congregational meetings often.   They will seek the advice of the congregation and will always keep the congregation informed and answer questions.   Wise elders will visit the members and seek council and answer questions.   All the congregation will feel they are part of the work and co-laborers with the eldership.
Wise elders know that if they do not serve with honor and with respect for the congregation that the congregation will decline and die.

Preachers should never fear the eldership.   Your mandate is from God and you must be true to that mandate above all else.   Elders who oppose good men preaching the truth of God should be held to account by the congregation and asked to stand down.

Elders must not "hire" a preacher without full consultation of the congregation.   They should do complete and total background checks.   Preachers that destroy the peace and harmony of the congregation and lead a church into decline should be fired by faithful elders in full consultation of the membership.  Wise elders do not  hire unfaithful and ineffective preachers and do not allow them to stay doing more harm than good.  Usually an exhaustive background check will prevent these problems.

You can tell when a congregation has effective elders and when they do not.   Congregations today are starving for leadership.    They are starving for dedicated men of honor to serve.  The eldership like preaching is the hardest work on earth.   But, it is a work filled with eternal rewards.
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

"not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away."  (I Pet. 5:3,4).

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