Wednesday, July 2, 2014

God's Existence!

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God...." (Psa. 14:1). It is difficult to comprehend why some do not believe in God. I am sure there are many explanations. Life has knocked the breath out of many due to sorrows and pain and they blame God and turn to unbelief. Others have only known suffering from the hands of people who say they believe in God. Thus, they reject God for they have only seen hatred.

There are good reasons for faith in God. In fact the... list of evidences and arguments are endless. The evidences for faith in God are persuasive but not coercive. One can walk away from God and the world of proofs He has provided. Or, one may open their heart to God and all of life comes alive.
There is the argument by design. No cell phone came into being by accident. It had an intelligent designer. Likewise, birds like robins and mocking birds did not just pop into being. The are the result of intelligent design. The earth itself did not just pop into reality but had a great and powerful and intelligent designer. On and on we could go with examples of life on earth and the universes. Evidences from biology, botany, zoology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and many other fields of knowledge all shout of the great God--designer and creator.

There is the moral argument. Here we examine every nation of this earth and all the civilizations both past and present, and we see a common moral code that has touched all humans. We ask how can this be? There is in all the peoples of the earth a sense of right and wrong. There is in all civilizations a sense that there is a great God that originated all things and that holds all accountable for their actions. Where did this all come from? There is a great God--of high intelligence and of a great moral authority that created all mankind.

There is the cause and effect arguments. Every effect must have an adequate cause. I am here and thus I had an adequate beginning that put me here. You are here and thus you must have had an adequate beginning that put you here. Houses and cars are everywhere and we know the origin of such. They each had a adequate cause that produced them. Books are everywhere and they each had an adequate cause that made them, starting with the author then the publisher, the printers, and the distributors. There exists cause and effect and such cannot be denied. Only a great God with great power and great intelligence could produce the human race and the world we now inhabit.
God exists. I know He exists. He is real and very near each of us at all times. He loves us all and has great plans for our future if we will but embrace Him and all that He offers. God be praised!
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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