Monday, June 23, 2014



What does the average person in the community think when they hear, "churches of Christ"? Think on that. If all you do is associate yourself with members of the church of Christ then you may not be able to understand this question. Since 1996 my overall association has been with people who are not members of the churches of Christ. I have received a very informative education. I will save a discussion of what I have learned from this for another day. For now I wish to think on this topic: WHAT I WOULD LIKE FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT CHURCHES OF CHRIST.
When people hear "churches of Christ", I would like for them to think immediately of JESUS CHRIST. Jesus is the builder of the church (Matt. 16:18). Should not his name be out front? However, we as His body must reflect His image. We must be the people that show to all what Jesus is really all about. What are they seeing? When they see a building with a sign, "Church of Christ" on it, what are their thoughts? Anything? Jesus was about teaching and DOING (Acts 1:1). Churches of Christ should follow the example of Jesus. Jesus said that we shall be judged based on our benevolence: feeding the hungry, water to the thirsty (many in the world have only germ laden water to drink), housing to the homeless, clothing to those who have none, care for the sick and prisoners locked away in jails. Are we as a church known for any of this? I am afraid we are known too often for nice buildings and well manicured yards Does the church of Christ in your community make any real difference in the lives of the people of the city? If your congregation vanished from the earth tonight would the community even take notice?

When people hear "churches of Christ", I would hope they would think of people who love God and love people everywhere! After all, did not Jesus say that the first and second greatest commandments were to love God with all our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:28-31)? Ah, to be known as a people of magnificent love. We are to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). We are to be motivated by love and if not then all we do is nothing (I Cor. 13:1-3). Love is not going out and beating up on people. Love is not about going out and seeing if you can embarrass your neighbors in endless religious arguments. Love is not about winning an argument and loosing a soul. Love is not about YOU BEING RIGHT and proving everyone wrong. Love is about people! We care about people. Our evangelism outreach is NOT TO BE FACT BASED but to be RELATIONSHIP DRIVEN! I am not denying that the gospel has certain facts. But, I am saying that our example for outreach and service is Jesus Christ. He was relationship focused. Look at how he dealt with the woman at the well (John 4). Look at how He dealt with the woman caught in adultery (John 8). Follow Jesus in His methodology and you cannot go wrong. Love is the Key! But you have to know how love works and what it really is before you can truly love (I Cor. 13).

When people hear "churches of Christ", I would like for them to think and say, "there is a people who love the Bible and know the Bible. They would call us like those of old, "a people of the Book". We are balanced and have no favorite doctrine but we are striving to teach all of God's Word and to call all to a knowledge of that Word. People should say, if you really want to know the Bible, then go to the churches of Christ. They love the Bible and they teach and preach the Bible. No to politics, no to the social agendas of our day, and yes to the Word.

When people hear "churches of Christ", I pray they will think of a people of REDEMPTION. We love people and we seek the redemption of people. God is our redeemer (Psa. 78:35). We want people to know the God of Redemption! People have such broken lives. God can put the pieces back together. People are tormented by sin. God can heal their broken hearts. I want people of all kinds of sordid backgrounds to think of the church of Christ as a place of healing. We are a people of healing, restoration, and redemption! We welcome all to our family and we see each soul as being priceless. We all need to focus on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John more and the greatest life that has ever been lived. Jesus is the very heartbeat of His kingdom. Especially read those sections dealing with His death and resurrection! Therein, is the power to make all things whole!

I want people to think of the "churches of Christ" and think, "Wow, what a people of Praise! They know how to praise God! We will sing and glorify our God with all our being. Our worship will be of joy and glory to the Almighty. All who come to our assemblies will leave feeling the presence of the Almighty!

I wish for the "churches of Christ" that we should be a people that are making a difference! We are part of the solution and not part of the problem. We work and strive for religious unity and the brotherhood of humanity. We seek to bring all to a knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, see people born again and transformed, and helping each other overcome temptation and the sorrows of this life. We are about helping one another on the great journey to heaven.
So, your a member of the church of Christ? What is your church known for in your community? A sobering question. Churches can go from Sunday to Sunday, year to year, and decade after decade and if not careful forget their first love. It happened to the church at Ephesus and it happens today (Rev. 2:1ff). If your church has left its first love then I challenge you to challenge your church to return to what Jesus envisioned for the body. I challenge you to be God's man or God's woman and be a voice for the Restoration of true Christianity as God intended.

I see the churches of Christ today! I see much good and I see such wonderful people. However, we have the capacity to be so much more. We have at our disposal a nuclear power plant of energy and resources, and yet we often are walking around with a small flash light with batteries that are about dead. God help us to see and be the church of Christ that He desires! I know that my days on earth are drawing to a close and time for me will be no more. We all have just a short time to walk this earth. I want my time, for whatever is left for me, to be a voice for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, Grace, Love, and Mercy! I hope my voice will be one of Redemption for all the world. I am small and of little consequence. The only thing that makes my life of any value is Jesus Christ. May we all embrace the blessed Lord and never let go! God be with you all!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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