Monday, June 23, 2014



There are those in the body of Christ who know some facts about the Bible. However, they do not understand people and how to effectively talk to people about Jesus. I have noticed even preachers who know some facts about the Word but who know nothing of the nature of humanity and how to properly communicate to people. It is amazing.

N.B. Hardeman, past President and co-founder of Freed-Hardeman College use to say that effective preachers n...eed to know the Bible and they need to know people. Both talents are needed or you will be a failure as a preacher and as personal worker.

We are not born with masterful communication skills. We must learn these. We must learn successful techniques of communication so we can be effective in presenting God's Word.
We need preachers and personal workers who know the whole truth of the Bible and who can effectively explain such to people. Many may have to unlearn some things before they can truly learn what is needed.

I suggest a detailed study of how Jesus communicated to people. He is the Master! See His patience, His sympathy, and His mercy. The ones He spoke the strongest too were the Pharisees. Those that added their opinions to the Law and made such equal to the Law. Interesting.
It seems to me certain ideas that are so false, get passed around from generation to generation, and are adopted by new generations as if they were true, and then applied and thus cause much harm. We need to start questioning ideas and practices and seek the real truth.
God help us all.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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