Thursday, August 15, 2013



We are all different. Some want the Bible preached with the cold hard facts, lay it out there, and be tough. Leave the worship sober and serious. Others desire messages that motivate and uplift and encourage as well as teach. Some love worship that is emotion driven. Oh, not contrary to the Bible but worship that touches the heart. Others desire a very formalistic worship service.

Some love only the old, old songs of yesterday. Others, love the new songs of this generation. Some love great emphasis on the church while others prefer an emphasis on the Lord.

Others are very time conscious and are angry if the sermon is too long or the services too long. Others, could care less but are there with focus on God. Some see how little they can give, while others are trying so hard to give more and more.

As Christians in the body we all have in many ways, a different point of view.

So, how do we make it work? We make it work by centering everything on Jesus Christ and the one, true gospel! We respect different points of views and opinions and human judgments. We must tolerate each other in the spiritual body as we do our fleshly family.

Things can be different without being sin. Just because it is different does not mean it is sin. The church today in so many ways is far different than the Jerusalem church of Acts 2. Yet, that church and the church today can be still the faithful of God. How? By honoring what is really essential. Faith in God, Jesus, the new birth, morality, spirituality and service. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand, in those things that matter most. Be flexible in all other things, liberty for all, and love for all.

There is diversity in preachers. One preacher is more the traditional style preacher and many love that. Other preachers are more the contemporary style and present lessons very differently than the traditional approach. The same with various ministries. Some desire the church to be just a place of worship and teaching. They get very nervous about outreach and service projects. Others are thrilled to be very busy in many ministries of the church. They are always looking for new and innovative ways of serving God.

Music today in the church can be very different. For some it is just the traditional and no more. Others love only the contemporary and no more. Others strive for balance and a mixture of the two.

One generation grows old and fades from the scene of life and time. A new generation comes to the helm and takes the ship forward. The old generation rails, that all is lost by such changes. The new generation sees no such threat. Time marches on and life moves forward like the flow of a mighty river.

What is amazing is this. After around 2,000 years so much has changed and yet some things have never changed. God is the same, Jesus is the same, the Holy Spirit is the same, the basic needs of humans are the same, the Bible reads the same, the gospel is the same, salvation is the same, the church or family of God is the same in its essential parts. Worship is the same in its essential parts. Christian living and morals are the same and serving God and humanity are the same. The core values are the same and are still practiced. Perhaps even in that, there is a great lesson to learn. God and His Word endures and things are going just the way God foresaw.

I might add this. Since each church (congregation) is independent in its work then each church has its own personality, traditions, style, and likes and dislikes. It is normal. One might love one congregation the best for its style, and traditions. While others like another congregation better for its style and traditions. So be it! God be praised. The thing to avoid is this: do not be judgmental and condemning others for their different style, traditions, and approach. Be true to the Word and at the same time flexible to adjust to opinion.

God be praised!

*(Picture below shows crayons. They are all different colors but still all crayons. Congregations can be all the Lord's church (crayons) but all different in many ways. Different in style, traditions, methods, and culture. Also, in each congregation we as individual Christians are all crayons, but all different colors, we are all different in our habits, talents, knowledge, perspective, and background. All different but all still crayons. When I bought crayons as a boy, all the crayons came in one box. Thus we as Christians, are all in one box, the church and yet different in many ways. This diversity is a beautiful thing. I look at all the different colors and that is exciting and beautiful. I think of what a beautiful picture I can color. It would be so sad if all were of one color. What picture could I color with one color? So much better with many colors. I am talking about the Lord's body and the diversity of tradition, opinion, judgment, culture, experiences, and taste. I am not talking about the unchanging truth of Almighty God. But beware and do not mix the two up. Faith is faith and opinion is opinion, but they are often so mixed up. God grant unto us wisdom to see the difference.)

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