Monday, August 19, 2013

Each Of Us Has A Journey!

Each Of Us Has A Journey!

You are on a journey! From birth to the grave and beyond, each human has a journey!

The journey of no two humans is exactly alike. Oh, there are similarities but not duplicates. We all travel the path that is set before us, by forces often unknown.

When you are young the path before you seems very mysterious. There are often more questions than answers. As you grow older you often can see the wisdom of the path you are own. You are not the same person at age 50 that you were at age 18. Life changes you. The journey changes you. It can change you for good or for evil. It can change you with wisdom or ignorance. It can change you from weakness to great strength. You must decide how the journey will change you.

Choices will be set before you. Sometimes the choices are of small consequences. Other times the choices you make will impact your journey in monumental ways. You must choose wisely. However, the choice is not always very clear. We often choose wrong. Even in our wrong choices the journey teaches us many things. Life is not a path of absolute perfection but of struggle, falling, mistakes, and getting up and trying again.

You will meet different people on the journey of your life. Some will cross your path for only a short time, while others will be with you many years. Each will impress upon you many lessons and memories. Some will hurt you and you will suffer but you will learn. Others will bless you and you will be glad and you will learn. Such is the journey of your life.

Thee will be events in your life that will come your way. Some will be positive and others most negative. Wars, unemployment, business failure, illness and sorrows upon you and those you love. All will test you and impact your journey. Even the successes will be a test. Many have been destroyed by too much fame and glory. All will test you and shape the path of your journey.

Here is the key. As you start the journey look to the side of the road. There you will see a Bible. Take it. Make it your dear friend. For it will tell you of the greatest friend of all, Jesus Christ. Commit yourself unto Him early on. Never forsake Him, and never take your eyes off Him. He will be at your side every step of your journey and will keep you on the right path. You will still have choices to make and burdens to bear but He will carry you through.

You do not have to walk on the journey of life alone! You have a friend that will be with you all the way. In addition, He will send you many others who will love you and hold you up. In return, you too shall hold up others and help them on their journey.

What a magnificent journey is the journey of life. Walk bravely on its path, with a smile on your face and courage in your heart. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Jesus is in front of you smiling, so keep your eyes on Him. Its like walking on a tight rope across a great canyon. It is scary and dangerous, but if you keep your eyes on Jesus He will get you across it safely. One step at a time. If this you will do, glorious will be your journey.

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

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