Monday, August 5, 2013

Tips For Building A Stronger Marriage (2)


I have been married for 36 years. It is like I blinked a few times, and here I am. Those older than I tell me, blink a few more times and I am in glory! Life moves fast. So very fast. Hold on to the love you have for in the end it, is the most precious of all your treasures.

I remember our wedding well. It was August 20, 1977. As I traveled with dear friends to Hartville, Ohio, Elvis Presley had just died. On every radio station was his music being played in his tribute. The wedding was on a Saturday at the church building. It was a glorious occasion. Mary and I had planned it, just as we wanted. It was so exciting. I shall talk of many things about this day in other installments in this series. But, now I focus on the cake. It was a beautiful cake. They told us to freeze the top of it and on our first anniversary to enjoy it. Well, we opened the box on our first anniversary and the cake was terrible. I wished I had eaten more of it, the day of our wedding.

I love beautiful weddings. It is such a wonderful time. There, amidst love and laughter is such optimism and joy. It is a time of absolute beginnings. The memories will start building and a life is in the making. There are dreams that will now be fulfilled. There are hopes like no other in life. Love is manifested in such sweetness, the day of the marriage. Do you remember your day?

In talking to married couples about their problems, I always ask them about the day they were married. I ask them to tell me all about it, every single detail they can remember. Soon they are laughing, crying, and they remember. Somehow from the day of the ceremony to the day they are in my office, something has changed. Life has happened. Great forces go to work on day 2 of every marriage, to destroy it and undermine it. Never forget this. Knowledge is the key to helping your marriage survive.

Remember the wedding cake! Remember it well. Remember, that day of magic when you were married. That day when the angel of love touched your heart in a very special way. The cake is there on the table. Remember, how it appeared? Remember what it represents? It represents marriage, love, joy, happiness. It is a most splendid scene. Maybe, on every anniversary we should get a wedding cake and just sit back and look at it, and smile. Be reminded of that happy occasion. Each year on your anniversary, celebrate in some special way the magic of your love.

Love has to be cherished and treasured. You have to cultivate that love, guard it, and water it along the path of life. It is a living force and must be respected.

I wish for you all the joy, love and happiness of that special day that you had when you were married. I pray it will last through the years. One way to help, is to remember the wedding cake! There it sits in my mind, forever it is there, a beautiful image, that never fades. It shines bright reminding me of enduring love.

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