Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Studying The Bible

Studying The Bible

To read the Bible and to try to live by it, is truly a great task.   It is a most noble task.   None of us will ever master the endeavor.   But, we must try

Some will grab a verse here and there and beat everyone over the head with it.   We must avoid such odd behavior.   Others, will read a verse here and there and abuse it and apply it wrongly.   Again, we must seek to avoid such misguided ventures.

Our task is to read, seek to understand correctly, and then, properly apply what we have learned.   We then strive to teach what we have learned to others.   We do so lovingly and with kindness.   The Bible was framed by God as it is, because it is the best way to write it.   We as humans, no doubt think that we could have done better.   Not so.   The Bible as it is , is perfect.

We shall come across those that will not agree with our understanding of the Bible.  What then shall we do?   Well, we can be mean to them.   We can be harsh towards them.   We can ignore them and treat them coldly.   All such actions will only lead to more rudeness, division, and unkindness.  Let us rather, respond in the spirit of meekness.  Here is a passage that teaches us how to relate to a brother that has done wrong.   If this is to be our response towards them, how much more we should be toward those that might have a disagreement with us, about some Biblical interpretation. 

"Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  (Gal. 6:1,2).

We must realize that we might be wrong about some things.   We might not have the correct interpretation.   We might have missed something.   Let us be humble in our study and consider what others have to say about it.   Be respectful of the views of others and seek to find truth and do the right thing.

May God bless you all, as you study the greatest book in the world, The Holy Bible. 

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