Sunday, August 4, 2013

George Bailey Lives On!

Look at that face.   Its the face of George Bailey as played by Jimmy Stewart in, IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.  Its a good face of a very good man, as the story in the movie will show.   It is the story of a man who cares about others and lives his life putting others first, even above his own personal welfare.  

George Bailey never gets rich and never gets to travel the world and do the amazing things he always talked about.   But, he did do amazing things.  He changed lives one by one.   He did it through the power of generosity and love.   He believed in people and believed each person had value and dignity.   He treated all with absolute respect and always believed that each of them could overcome whatever problem they had and move on to a better life.

It was his task as he saw it, to be that helper along the way.   He was absolutely honest and true in everyway and fair in all his dealings.  

I know another George Bailey.  We shall call him, "George".  This George, who sits at the table in his house with a stack of bills. He has not the money to pay them and frets over what to do.  The doorbell rings and it is a friend in trouble.  They need just a few hundreds dollars to make it.   They are desperate and know not where to turn.   This generous man takes his sad checkbook and writes out a check to help his friend even thought it will push him deeper and deeper into a financial hole.   Not thinking of himself at all, he helps his friend.  He is truly, a "George Bailey".   This he has done all his life as he has helped one after another through all kinds of fiery trials.  He, like "George Bailey" does not think much of his life.   He thinks he is a failure.   But, only if we could see through the years of life all those he has helped.  By his mercy that he has extended,  he has provided hope where there was no hope, love, where there was no love, generosity where there was only selfishness.   People in trouble came to him because others said no, and they knew he, would say yes.  

Yes, others could do the task easier then he could.   Others had a great deal more money than he.   However, "others" would not do it.   He would do it.   Those with money would say, "I am sorry, I cannot help, my money is all tied up, right now. Maybe, someone else can help you?"  The world is full of those that are self centered.  Yes, in old age they will have a fat bank account and monthly income.   They will rest with their security.   But, their record book of life will be filled with pages of names of those they could have helped along the way, but, they said, no.  They have a book full of the words, "No".   But, they have a large bank account.   This George, has a bank account in the red, but another book full of names of people going back years and years and by each name there is the word, "YES".   Yes,, I will help you and Yes, I did help you.  I ask you now, who is the richest of the two?

Everyone loves the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life".   Of all the times of the year that it would be popular, it is Christmas.   A time to think of the birth of Jesus.   A time to think of love and a charitable heart.   All watch it and many shed a tear.   Many, wish they could be like this George Bailey.   But, after the season is over, most will return to their own self interest.  Why?  Most likely it is out of fear.   We are afraid and we desire security and feel we must say no to others and their requests in order to provide a more secure future for ourselves.   The world will look at this George in 2013 and call him a failure.  Some will say he is a "chump" or, an easily deceived person.  But, is he?  Could it be that our society is blind?   Could it be that this George in 2013 is truly the richest man in town?  Could it be the others in their fine houses and driving their luxury cars, and hoarded up money and treasures mostly for themselves, are indeed, the poorest of all?

I feel there are many "George Bailey's" in our world.   They liked the George Bailey in the movie, are often taken for granted, walked all over, and never fully appreciated.   But, without their generous sprit and tender hearts, the world would be much worse off.   In the end their legacy is one of investing in people and the  impact of such is enormous.

Once, a man was about to kill two individuals but when told of the town where they were from, said with a tear in his murderous eyes, "that is the one place on earth, where one man did me good and only good".  He then went on to say, "because, you are from that town, I set you free".   Their lives were spared because some "George Bailey" of days past and done criminal, good.   Oh, because of the "George Bailey's" in life, think of  all the tears that have been turned to joy,  the lives that have been saved, the lives that have been kept from prison, the lives that have been spared from suicide, and the lives spared from a million crimes, and agony and torment, and all the evil that has been held at check.   Only God knows the full impact.  

Who is to know, that your life today is here because many years ago, another "George Bailey", did something and helped someone in your lineage, and made a big difference,  and set things in motion, that led to your birth and life and where you are today?

Many a man and woman has gone to the house of this "George" with tears and sorrow, only to walk out of the house with joy and peace.    That is the legacy, the true legacy, of George Bailey.

It is  not those who have  great bank accounts that will do this.   It is those with little, who will do it.   The little guy with little who does the big, big things in life, and often,  no one really notices.   Life is made up of the little guy, and it is these  that keep the world turning. 

It takes faith to be a "George Bailey".   Amazing faith.   Faith in yourself, that you can live this way.   Faith in others, that it is worth the time and effort, and sacrifice that you put forth.   It takes faith, in a God who sees all and will help you through all these trials.   Only great men of faith or great women of faith can truly be the "George Baileys" of this world.  

We need more "George Bailey's".   More of their simple character, innocence, faith, and generosity.  Our world is in desperate need of more like him.

Will you be a "George Bailey"?   Will you set forth to live a life of accumulating more and more for yourself and for your pleasure?  Or, will you think, "I can get by with less" and then use more of what I have to help others.   There are so many in trouble, so many in pain, so many that need something to just get by.   I am the one that can help, I will be the one that can truly, make a difference.   Will that be your goal?

The world will try to discourage you.   Like in the movie, Mr. Potter lectures George Bailey and reminds him he is a total failure.    He tries to convince him that those he has helped are unworthy.   Mr. Potter tries to persuade  him that by not providing more things for his wife and children, that he is a complete failure.  Mr. Potter sits there lonely, all alone, with not a friend in the world, but has all that cash.   George Bailey is as the movie ends, "the richest man in town".

George Bailey takes a big risk.  As he is always helping others, he stands up for his uncle Charlie to save him from prison when a mistake has been made and Mr. Potter has the Savings & Loan's money.  All of this due to uncle Charlie misplacing the funds.   George thinks the only way out, is his own death.   But is reminded by an Angel, named Clarence, this his life is far from failure.   He gets a great gift.   The chance to see what life would be like if he had never been born.   It is horrible to see.   For because of this  humble man, George Bailey had been the instrument of a world of good.   Other humans would not have lived, and others would have died with no hope, without George Bailey.   The town would have been overcome by evil if George Bailey had not lived.

Once George Bailey is finally made to see the true worth of his life, he can face prison, or any other trial.   However, in that moment, seemingly the entire town shows up to help their friend, George Bailey.   This was their chance to help show appreciation to a man who had given them all, so much.  He had friends, everywhere.   And, as Clearance reminds us, "a man is rich, indeed, who has friends".

Again, I  challenge you with this, you can be a "George Bailey".   You can be that person that means the world to so many.   You can be that person that changes everything.   You can be that person that stands in the way of evil.   You can live your life as truly, the richest man or woman in town?  How about it?

Where are the "George Bailey's" of 2013?

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