Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Marks of Great Books

What Are The Marks Of Great Books?

I believe great books have the following three basic characteristics.

1. They have a great and glorious theme! Themes of everlasting importance. Themes that endure through the centuries of time and history. They are books of important values.

2. They have a noble and beautiful language. The uplift one in reading and challenge one to higher ground. The breathe fresh air into the mind and clean out all the cobwebs and invigorate the brain.

3. The great books move through the centuries. They identify well what is the issue of their day and then so frame it that it is able to speak to any and every age. Now, that is something. They can speak to every nation on earth with a message of meaning and importance. They are relevant.

Here are a few of the great books, just a few.

The Bible

The Iliad

Bhagavad Gita

Plato, Phaedo

Dante, The Divine Comedy

Many more could be added to this list. These are in my view,  some that deserve to be at the top of the list.

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