Thursday, August 29, 2013

Government (2)

Government (2)

Since 1996 I have worked for a period of time in the financial world and been charged with managing millions of dollars in investors money. One thing I learned was that in America for our system to work we need this capital for investments. If people are not making profits in business and then free to keep it and make additional investments then our economic system would collapse. If government engages in high taxation and shifts the people's money from those who earned it and can use it to invest to social programs then again, in time our system will collapse, and there will be no money for anyone.

A free enterprise system is a delicate plant. You start messing with it and tinkering with it and soon it is no longer, FREE. Free for all Americans to enjoy and take risks and work hard, dream big, invest, and build things. The more government intrusion through high taxes and regulation the more the system breaks.

There is no system on earth that can provide guaranteed wealth to every citizen. A system must have rewards for those smart, who work hard, who save and invest and give to society. It must have negatives to those who do not. If you make it comfortable to fornicate and be lazy then more and more of society will do that. Why is it fair to take money from those who work hard and invest and build business and make jobs for people and give it to people who sit home all day watching TV and fornicate? You have to allow a level of suffering in society in order to motivate people to work to achieve a better life. Government in a free enterprise system provides a climate whereby all citizens can work to achieve whatever potential they have.

Once government starts giving away the hard earned money of others there is no stop. The social give away programs will grow and grow to be enormous and destructive to the national being. Many do not wish to hear this for they are blinded by a socialistic philosophy. The system of entitlement has been growing and growing for decades and people are use to getting goodies from the government and now demand it. Both political parties seek to buy votes by offering more and more benefits or protecting the freebies now given.

Here is what a founder of our beloved nation said:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty" Ben Franklin

There is always a small element of society that is worthy of help. Private charities and very limited government can be of some help to these people along with strong family support. However, government has to have a set budget and no more. There are no free rides. For every dollar given away by government there is some man or woman who worked hard to make that dollar. There are only so many dollars available Then you borrow and create money out of the thin air and then the destruction of the nation is at hand and then there is no money to help anyone.

What I have written in this short piece is factual and true. It is not popular nor political. Many will deny it and scream loud. But, the clock is ticking and history, I believe, will prove me right. But, I pray for my nation and all our people that we all might come to our senses of sound economic policy before it is too late.

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