Thursday, August 29, 2013

Government 3

Government 3

I have studied economics at the University of Arkansas, Freed-Hardeman University, and the Princeton University -- Merrill Lynch Financial Center. I enjoyed working in the financial world of Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, UP Bank and finally building my own financial services company. I have always been fascinated as to how economics and political systems operate.

A free enterprise system has its own set of risks. The consumer has to be educated and aware. Caveat emptor or let the buyer beware, should be the watch words of any free enterprise system. Personal responsibility is the bulwark of a fee economy. Less government and more individual duty and responsibility. If you want the government to be your big brother and bail you out all the time, when you were stupid and allowed yourself to be deceived, then there will be a price for that.

The price will be more government control of your life. A few years ago, people all over America and the world with greed in their eyes, begged Bernie Madoff to take their money so they could get 10% guaranteed return from investments. There is no such guarantee. There never has been. Never will. Unless we go back to double digit inflation and double digit interest rates. Then some bank might guarantee it for a while with FDIC backing on a certain amount. The guarantee is only as good as the stability of the government. Think on that for a while.

In order for the free enterprise to really work we need freedom. Freedom to dream, sell, invest, and freedom to succeed and keep the profits without excessive taxation taking it all. Or, else why do it at all? Freedom even to fail. Yes, to fail. No government has ever existed that could guarantee you profits and successes. Once you leave the world of Certificates of Deposit and U.S. Treasury Bonds, you take on some level of risk. Fixed Annuities are the next level of "safe" deposits. But, all of these are backed by the insurers and the stability of the government. All of life is fleeting. Pilate told the Jews, enemies of Jesus who wanted the tomb of Jesus secured, "...go and make it as sure as you can". (Matt. 27:65b). Their security did not work and neither will the securities of men work. All such efforts are in the final end, in vain. Especially, if we violate the very core values of a free market system, which by the way we are doing with great speed.

So, I end these thoughts by saying, that to have a powerful robust economy we need freedom. We less and less government intrusion and involvement and more individual personal responsibility.

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