Saturday, August 3, 2013



Soon, my darling wife and I will celebrate 36 years of marriage. We have had some good times and hard times. Life is always moving and changing and turning our heads for sure. We have had many laughs and many tears.

We have been so blessed with having our family in our life. When we were first married, my wife was able to meet my great grandfather. We had grandparents alive on both sides of the family tree. We loved them all. Our children were able to see and know their grandparents and great grandparents. But, all are gone now. With tears, my beloved wife and I held each other and stood at their open graves, one by one. In 2011, we said goodbye to my mother, as she died in my arms, as I quoted over and over the 23rd Psalm. My beloved wife and I held each other and wept. What would I do without my beloved wife? I know not and do not wish to think on that.

Yes, we have had 36 years of love and joy together. We have had some money and we have been completely broke. We have had good friends who love us to this day and some that betrayed us and broke our hearts. We have seen much in 36 years of life.

That is the beauty of married love. You share the good and the bad, but you do so, together. That is how it was meant to be.

God said, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24). This was read at our wedding on August 20, 1977. I did not fully comprehend those words then, but now I understand them better. Not perfectly, but much better.

I am so thankful for the beauty of married love!

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