Tuesday, August 13, 2013



"Expository preaching (also referred to as systematic exposition) is a form of preaching that throws light upon the meaning of a particular text or passage of Scripture. As "throwing light," this term is more general than exegesis, which is used for more technical and grammatical exposition, a careful drawing out of the exact meaning of a passage in its original context. While the term exposition could be used in connection with any verbal informative teaching on any subject, the term is also used in relation to Bible-teaching and preaching. The practice possibly originated from the Jewish tradition of the rabbi giving a "Dvar Torah", explaining a passage from the Torah, during the prayer services.

Expository preaching differs from topical preaching in that the former concentrates on a specific text and discusses topics covered therein, whereas the latter concentrates on a specific topic and references texts covering the topic."

Since I have given much of the last 36 years of my life to preaching, teaching and "church related" projects, I have a great interest in effective preaching of the Word. I came to believe many years ago, that "EXPOSITORY PREACHING" is truly the best. It involves the direct study and proclamation of the Word. Nothing better than that.

The church today and our culture is starving for a "thus saith the Lord". Yet, at such a crucial time we are seeing less and less Bible in our churches. Preachers like everyone else can become products of the culture. We all have to work against this to be the person God desires.

We live in an entertainment craze society and culture. It has invaded the church and everything we do. Do not get me wrong. I love good entertainment as much as anyone else. But, I do not believe entertainment should replace the true proclamation of the Word. I believe effective expository preaching can be exciting, interesting, and uplifting and joyful. But, the intent of true expository preaching is to set forth the message of God. We all desperately need that.

Anything that pulls us away from God and His message is not only grievous but destructive. Thus, if men replace the Bible text and its true meaning with the speculations of men and the opinions of men, then they do great harm. If they manipulate the text to bind an opinion as law upon the hearers then they distract from the simple gospel and lead men down a path of ruin. Churches must demand that the Bible classes and pulpit be places of a true, "thus saith the Lord".

Churches become what is brought forth from the pulpit. They develop a style and personality that the pulpit will define. The pulpit should be a place where God in His reality is set forth and the core theme of love and redemption is heralded. People fall in love with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and are called upon to be transformed into His image. They see the horrors of sin and the amazing love of God and are motivated to conversion. The power is in that blessed message of the Word!

When one truly takes a book like, Matthew and preaches through it, amazing things will happen. You will be putting Christ out front. You will be putting His very words in the minds of the hearers. You will find that all the major topics and issues of life will be covered. It is all there! The Sermon on the Mount, itself is so enchanting. It covers all the fundamentals of life. You will be presenting the message that built the church and that shall truly sustain it. The people will know the Bible better than ever and will grow spiritually. Both, you the preacher and all the hearers will grow, grow, grow. God will move through that church as His word is proclaimed in power and His glory will be seen.

One final note. There is power in the Word.

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. " (Heb. 4:12)

You will never be able to fully explain the power of God's Word. However, it is a great truth, that there is amazing power in the Word of God. When all of us preachers and teachers get out of the way and just let the Word ring forth, watch out, you will see amazing things.

Let us all as teachers of God's Word rely more on the Word and proclaim it to everyone. Get involved in EXPOSITORY PREACHING AND TEACHING.

"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." (2 Tim. 4:2)

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