Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America Faces Challenges!

America Faces Challenges!

I love America as I know you do as well. This is a great Nation. As a Nation and as a people we are flawed. However, such is true of all nations of the earth. However, America has done more to defend the freedom of mankind than any nation in history. America has done more to feed the hungry all over the world than any nation in history. On and on I could go about the greatness of American and its contributions to a better world. God bless America!

There is evil in the world and such evil has been here since the beginning. It touches everything and none can escape. It has touched America and continues to do its ungodly work. God protect America from the evil one and deliver us from such darkness.

Today, we face many challenges. We have severe economic problems, tax issues, corruption in government, an over sized government unresponsive to the people, the degradation of our freedoms, the inability of our government to solve the simplest problems, our education system is in chaos, business growth and job growth is stagnant, relations with foreign nations is at all time danger level, and the hopes and dreams of our citizens are slowly being eroded. We face a very uncertain future with the new health care plan and its impact on us all. Our debt is as Mount Everest and worsens daily.

Yes, the problems we face are horrific. But, despite the seriousness of these problems, I believe we can solve them all. I believe our freedoms and our will has accomplished much and can continue to accomplish much. We have men and women of great minds in our nation that have the solutions to our problems. However, government is controlled by those who can not solve one small problem. The great minds of our nation are not in Washington D.C. We must change this and soon.

The big problem our nation faces that is of grave concern to me is this. We face a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM. Many intellectuals do not wish to admit such, but such is true. The spiritual health of our nation is now on life support. Without a great, national spiritual renewal, we face the abyss. This is my greatest concern.

What do I mean by a spiritual problem? Here are some sobering facts about our nation. 1. The idea that there is no God is growing in acceptance. 2. The idea that the Bible is just a good book with interesting stories is widespread and many no longer believe it is the Word of God. 3. Church attendance is at a all time low and declining each year. 4. Prayer and the Bible has become an illegal action in any public event. 5. The movies and TV shows mock God and make fun of God and the Bible and morality and American seems to enjoy the shows, for such programs have all time ratings. 6. Even in more and more churches we hear less and less of God and the Bible and more of a Hollywood show. 7. Our morality as a nation is becoming a world wide scourge. We mock God and laugh at His moral codes set forth in the Bible and believe we can ignore such with impunity.

Yes, we face some dark days ahead. But, America's greatest problems are not economic, foreign relations, education, crime, law enforcement, government corruption, health care, etc. America's greatest problem and challenge, is this, WHAT DO WE DO WITH GOD? What part will the one true God of heaven and earth have in our national life? Will God and the Bible be a part of our national debate and life or will both be ignored? The answers to these questions will determine the destiny of America and its future.

My prayer: "Oh God, ruler of heaven and earth, how great is thy Name. In this great hour as our nation faces so many problems, I pray you to stay with us, Oh God. Forgive us our great sins against you and remember them against us no more. Allow America to be a light to the world of your glory and greatness. Help us all God to be kind to the helpless and poor and the strangers in our land. Help us oh God, to be moral and upright in our life. Oh God, defeat the evil in our nation, that is even now at work. Oh God, Satan desires to destroy our nation, defeat Him oh God and show your glory and power to the world. Oh God, put in the hearts of all Americans a faith in you, a love for you, and a desire to do your will. We praise you, Oh God, and thank you for all the good you have given us in our land. Preserve our nation oh God, grant unto us wisdom and the courage to do your Will, in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Son who died for our Sins, Amen.

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