Thursday, August 29, 2013



My dear ones, many of you may have trials and disappointments right now in your life. I wish to give you these thoughts.

All of life has its trials. Remember the purpose of this life is to prepare us for the next life. All that happens to you in this life is designed to shape you into one fit for the next life. That is hard to grasp sometimes. But, I do not believe anything happens by accident. All that happens to me or to you has a purpose. There is a meaning and purpose for all things.

There is the ripple effects of life. All our lives overlap and interconnect in so many ways. We are not made to live our live alone and disconnected from other humans. We are all connected in marvelous ways. Our life touches others and in turn the lives of others touches us. The decisions of one generation touches the lives of those that will follow. It is a great mystery but such is the marvel of life.

Therefore, the trials and troubles of your life are the result of many factors and there is a great purpose for all such things that come to you. You are not alone. There will come a time when you will know and understand all things for all shall be revealed.

We must know there is a great war going on in this world. It is the war between good and evil. We are a fallen world and as such the world carries the heavy weight of sin and its dark effects. Sin touches everything in our lives and brings more destruction then we can begin to comprehend.

We must also know there is a great God who loves us all and is watching all. In His great mind and power their is a reason for why it is the way it is. This is the best of all possible worlds and there is no way to put all factors together and come up with any better situation then what we now have. This is a world of soul making. We are prepared for the next world.

Our God has given us all the tools to know, learn, think, and live a life of true victory.

Do not despair and do not give up. Be true to God and His word and be faithful to God always, even unto the end of your journey here.

So, whatever trial and sorrow or disappointment you now face, do not give up, but allow God through Christ Jesus to lift you up and carry you through to absolute victory. Great are your troubles, even greater is the God we serve!

"for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. " (I John 5:4)

(The picture here attached is one of an artist impression of Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus in moment of time. In this scene is the hope of humanity. It is profound and far reaching in its total effects upon the human race. In things that most never notice nor consider, is the power to do the impossible. God be with you!)

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