Thursday, August 29, 2013

Life Marches On!

Life Marches On!

I visited the hospital yesterday of some dear ones. While there, I was told of others in a nearby room. I visited this elderly woman and her husband. She had nearly died and they were moving her to intensive care. I held her hand and comforted her the best I could and prayed over her. I then held the hand of her dear husband and tried to comfort him. Just an hour ago, she died. She is now with God. They told me of a grandson in town here who never visits. They also, told me of another grandson who lives 6 hours away that was rushing to be with them. Such is the irony of life.

The days of our life are passing one by one and time is marching on.

The only thing that really matters is to love God and do His will and love our fellow man.

God help us to see what is valuable in life. There are hurting people everywhere and so much needs to be done. I try to do what I can and pray God for the wisdom and discipline to move forward to help more. I pray to God to give me time and opportunity. Thank you God for letting me serve you.

Let us all love each other and help each other. Let us move the church everywhere to help people. Let us allow Jesus to work through us!

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