Thursday, August 29, 2013



First century Christians lived in a dictatorship. They had no civil rights and did not live in a free society. Despite that, they covered the world with the message of Jesus. They also, did all this while being persecuted by the government to the point of death.

What does this say to us? The NT makes clear that our main objective as Christians is to put Christ first in all things (Matt. 6:33). We are taught to preach the gospel to all the world (Mark. 16:15,16). Our lives should reflect Jesus.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." (Rom. 12:1).

We are taught to place our great affections and love toward heaven (Col. 3:2).

I do not wish to make my house a arsenal of weapons and bullets and knifes and weapons of death. I do not wish to march in protests to burn down buildings and threaten leaders. I do not wish to harm any man.

We live in a democracy and thus we have freedoms unparalleled in human history. With such freedoms I can vote my wishes and desires and I can petition my government for what I see is wrong. I can march in peaceful protests to influence change. I can support with money under the law candidates that I feel will represent me well. I can run for office myself to try to change things. In all things I should pray and seek the best for all.

If Christianity could be born and even thrive in a Roman dictatorship then it can do well in our system. If our system changes to one of limited freedoms we can still do well as Christians.

Sometimes, I think we have it too easy. With all our freedoms and comforts we have grown fat and lazy to doing God's will and have neglected the most important things. Trials and persecution have a way of bringing the church together in unity and love and respect. It motivates us to see clearly what is really important. It helps us yearn for heaven and to be with God. I do not wish for trials and pain and persecution. But, I do pray for God's will in all things. I know that the most important thing is to get to heaven and take as many as possible with me.

God bless America with freedom, peace, and righteousness. God bless us all to be good Christians and good citizens of this beloved nation.

(picture attached is an artists rendition of the Apostle Paul before Caesar. Remember, Paul used his Roman citizenship to preserve his rights as a Roman and defend what was right before the world. (Acts 25:1-12).)

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