Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

Those that know me well, know I love the study of ancient and classical history. I have taken graduate classes through American Public University in this field. It has been a life long passion of mine. Here in my office surrounded by many books of history is a large picture of the great Colosseum of Rome. It is much like the picture attached to this article. Construction started in 72 AD. It opened in 80 AD. It covers about six acres. There were 80 arched entrances to this great structure. 55,000 people could sit in the Colosseum and enjoy the shows. All were seated according to rank. They even had the ability through use of the Roman Navy to connect over the mighty structure a canvas like tent to shield the spectators from heat and rain. There were large bathroom facilities and through use of water from the mighty aqueducts that could flush all clean in just minutes. Each visitor had a coin that had the section for seating and row and seat number. All 55,000 could be vacated in about 15 minutes. They had the capacity to flood the floor and create a lake and reenact naval battles for entertainment of all. They brought in exotic animals from all over the Empire for the joy of everyone.

The Colosseum is a shining example of the greatness of Roman architecture, in all its glory. The Romans were masters in the use of concrete and in the mix they would put ground up lava rock to give it more strength. The great Colosseum endures to this day, although only a reflection of what it must have been in its glory. It was ordered constructed in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. Vespasian died before construction was complete, and his eldest son, Titus, now Emperor would be there for the opening ceremony in AD 80.

Many marvelous things happened over the years at this Colosseum and many terrible things. As the great structure began its decline so did the Empire of Rome.

Historians argue over and over to no end as to what caused the fall of mighty Rome. No doubt many factors led to its destruction as a world empire.

Rome did develop deep government problems. It got to the point they could not settle the smallest of issues and thus in time they lost their freedom and their republic. They became a dictatorship type government system.

Rome did in time become so complex in its elections. It would cost more and more to gain public office through campaigns and bribes.

Rome did become out of control in its public spending. They too developed a massive welfare program for the citizens of Rome. They overspent in every area of their life. Taxes were increased again and again causing unrest.

Rome did have leader after leader that was so very corrupt and destructive to the Empire.
Rome could never quite decide what to do with Christianity. For decade after decade, even centuries Rome was at odds with the religion of Christ. In some ways, a quiet undeclared war was going on. Rome was filled with emphasis on the gods. There were many Greek and Roman gods that Rome believe in and worshiped. As Rome took over a new nation, they would just absorb into their system the gods of that new nation.

However, Christianity was unlike any other religion that Rome had encountered. With Christianity there was no absorption. Christianity would not play ball with Rome. The text of Ephesians 4:1-6 gives the basic platform of the Christian faith.

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you[a] all.
Notice the text declares, "one God". This more than anything got the Christians into a lot of trouble with Ancient Rome. With Christians there would be no compromise and no acceptance of any Roman god. This was an act of treason to the Romans. Caesar himself was High Priest of all roman god's and most Caesar's were declared gods themselves. So, Christianity and Rome were at odds with each other.

As the centuries rolled by Rome seemed unable to crush the Christian movement. No matter how hard they tried, they just could not destroy the faith of these Christians. In time public sympathy turned in support of Christians and Constantine, Caesar of Rome, finally declared the conflict over and that Christianity was the one true religion of the Roman Empire. Amazing!

You can read the history, but the the outcome is still so very, very remarkable.

Rome is now in the ashes of history. We view its ancient ruins and marvel. Now, here in the year 2013, the name of Jesus Christ and that of His followers, Christians, Lives On! We stand in awe of the great faith of those early saints who went all over the empire declaring, HE HAS RISEN, HE HAS RISEN, HE HAS RISEN. They risked it all, their fortunes, their honor and their lives for the name of Christ. They gave their all. In the end, their great faith forever changed the Roman Empire and the World! In all of this, was the will of the Almighty God through Jesus Christ that brought it all about. Amazing!

Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ, now and forever...praise Him, praise Hm, for ever!

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