Friday, August 2, 2013



I truly believe that very powerful events were in play the day Jesus died and then rose from the dead the 3rd day. I believe it absolutely altered human history. It was a divine intervention. Yes, God and great spiritual forces have intervened in this world many times. Some talk of space aliens coming to the earth and doing this or that. This is real history. God who is a spirit being not of this earth, has intervened in this world many times. The greatest intervention was sending Jesus to the earth to live and die and be resurrected. It sent pulsations of power throughout all heaven itself and deep into the Hadean world and into the fiery pits of hell itself. Every angel of God felt its effects. Every demon of hell knew what had happened. Overwhelming power was manifested the day Jesus died and then was  resurrected.

When did Jesus die?  As the scientists from Romania's  Astronomic Observatory Institute say, Jesus Christ died at 3 p.m. on the Good Friday, April 3, 33AD and rose again at 4 a.m. on April 5.  There are many complications as to calendars and dates.   But this one from the Romania Astronomic Observatory is as good as any.  This is the day that changed history.  This is indeed, the heartbeat of all the Bible.  Without the death of Jesus and His glorious resurrection, all the Bible would completely collapse.  This day was the one day of all human history that was foreseen before the earth was created and all of heaven held its breath till this moment was done.   All history was hanging in the balance.  “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”  (Mark 1:15).  Here our Lord made clear, "THE TIME HAS COME".   This means the one and only time of all human history is now upon us.  There will never be a time like it again.   Paul taught us in Ephesians 1:4, "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love".  Notice, the Apostle talks of the plan of God regarding Jesus, laid out before the creation of the world.   Amazing.   Paul also taught us that when the time was just right, God sent forth His Son, "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law," (Gal. 4:4).

Based on my studies, I have come to believe that if Jesus had not died, we would not be here today. Yes, Jesus had a choice, He did not have to die but he chose to give his life to save us all (Jn. 10:18). When the time was right, perfect, the plan of God was enacted (Gal. 4:4).

When Adam and Eve died, they deserved immediate death. But, Jesus intervened and saved them. The debt of sin was rolled forward and the balance of time would finally pay the debt with interest. Not only, the sins of Adam and Eve, but every human since and until the end of time. A powerful thought.

So, today, when those atheists and unbelievers of every tribe write their checks, they use a dating system that recognizes the life of Jesus Christ. The calendar system we use of A.D. 2013 is based on the time span of now going back to the birth of Jesus. Amazing! But, more then that, the very air they breathe and that all of us breathe is provided to all, courtesy of Jesus Christ. Wow!

We owe our very physical lives to Jesus Christ. If he had said no, then all would have ended there, A.D. 33. It would be over. Jesus said once, "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matt. 26:53). This means there was a PLAN B. Plan B was for the earth and all life to be destroyed and all humans since Adam to be assigned to Hell. It would have all ended in A.D. 33 and you and I would have never existed. No United States of America, and no modern world at all. He was not thinking of those twelve legions of Angels to come party with humans. It would mean, annihilation! It would be over.

We owe Jesus Christ our very lives. We who have obeyed Him, owe Him our very souls as we are saved by His sacrifice. All who walk the earth now, have the opportunity to claim the glory of salvation that He alone offers. When Jesus Christ came forth from that tomb, He came forth Victorious, Glorified, and Triumphant! Sinners were saved, Satan received an injury, he could never recover from, and the power of evil was constrained and confined. Righteousness was VICTORIOUS. Praise be unto Jesus Christ, the Son of God. All glory to His name, now and forevermore!

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