Saturday, August 3, 2013

Be Positive

Resolve to be full of faith, positive and loving. In the end, there is no other way to be. You can look at life with the negative and be filled with despair. Think of what God must see. He sees all the world and all the evil and He knew all in advance this is how it would be. 
 But, our God, is the eternal optimist and so should we be. God help us to be loving and positive and full of faith, for great is the God we serve, and He has a great plan and He will see us through. So, do all the good you can, have a song in your heart, smile to everyone, and walk with the King. Smile and rejoice in your heart, even with tears in your eyes for some trial you are facing, for God is there with you. This too shall pass, this too shall pass....great things are ahead for you, great and glorious things are waiting for have an amazing future to look forward to, God be praised, oh my, God be praised!

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