Friday, July 19, 2013

Will Americans Lose Their Freedoms?

America is a great country.  It is great because of the freedom we enjoy.   We can each live our lives, think, ponder, consider and make our own individual decisions.   We can each dream big dreams and then go for it.  We are free to work hard and succeed or work hard and fail.   Life is before us. Based on our talent and ability, the sky is the limit, in America.   We have as our founders declared, the right to "life, liberty, and the  pursuit of happiness".   It is up to us.   Each of us as individuals have been given  this great freedom by God.   The United States Government just recognizes that and stands down.  Our freedom is of God and not the United States Federal Government, or any government.

However, change is in the air.   A new way of thinking has infiltrated our beloved land and the fog is everywhere.   Few can see it.   Churchill, many years before WWII could see the coming doom.   Few others could see it.   He would get on the floor of Parliament and scream the warnings, and all would boo him off the floor, or, at least try.   Many would walk out, leaving him virtually alone in the chambers screaming his warnings.   However, when the dark clouds began to move over London, they began to listen.   Only, it was nearly, too late.   Then, they turned to Churchill for deliverance.   As a mighty lion with a terrible roar, he was ready.   The cries in government could be heard, "Churchill is back".  Now, when he came into the  chambers of Parliament, there was standing room only.   When he spoke, there would be dead silence, as all rushed to hear his every word.  Such, is the irony of human history.   Today, all who see the dark clouds coming, are in a way,  following the path of Churchill.   We must warn, we must speak out, we must be clear.   When we are booed, and men and women walk out on us, we must keep on speaking and pleading for action.

Freedom is a delicate plant.   It must be watered and tended too,  or else it will die.  We as Americans, as a whole, have not done well, in tending to freedom.    We have allowed President's to overstep their bounds and violate the Constitution.   We have allowed the legislative branch to be filled with bribes, immorality, and outright corruption and deadlock in solving any problem.   They usually make all problems worse with their shameful "bills".   We have allowed the judicial branch to make rulings out of the air, rather than the law.   The courts  have shammed themselves in a sort of "philosophical emptiness" that leads to nowhere.  The Constitution is walked all over,  and the  masses go to the football games.

The founders of our beloved Nation crafted a powerful  document in the Constitution .   So powerful it is that it has stood for 222 years.   Amazing.  The founders gave us a most powerful document of law to safeguard our freedom.  They placed in it many safeguards.   They anticipated the enemies that would seek to kill it.   They tried desperately to give us something that would endure.   They studied the ancients and saw their mistakes.   They learned from the lessons of history.  They have given  us a sweet legacy.   It was not perfect, but it was the best that mortal minds could come up with at that time.  They put their  hope in the people.   One generation risked everything,  and many died to give us this Nation of freedom.  Other generations would also bleed and die to preserve it.   The founders,  hoped that future Americans would always be willing to answer the call, when liberty was challenged,  and they would stand their ground, and put to flight the enemies at the gate.  

The only way to kill this beloved document of freedom,  is by a slow, slow death.   You slowly bleed the life from it.  Little by little you change the interpretation of all its sacred words until it becomes a meaningless document.   You breech the gates of defense of freedoms,  and encroach, ever so carefully upon  its safeguards,  until finally the grand Republic is no more.

It is said that Nero in ancient Rome, fiddled while Rome burned.   Today, Americans live and let live, play and party, and live in a dream world, while all the time, their beloved freedoms are being slowly eaten away.  One day, Americans will wake up and it will hit them, like a ton of bricks.   Our freedoms are gone.   We have lost all.  Like the frog in a pot of water on the cook stove.   Little by little the heat of the water increases and the frog takes no notice, until finally, he is boiled to death and it is too late to do anything about it.  All through history great voices have warned that our beloved Nation would not die from without, but from within.  As a Nation we must look into the mirror if we are to see the true enemy of our freedoms.  It is not Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Russia, or China.  It is not illegal immigrants.  The real enemy, is right there in the mirror.   We have seen the enemy and it is ourselves.

Rome was once a great Republic and they loved their freedoms.   As men sought to steal away their liberty they would rise up and slay the enemy.   They too instituted many safeguards in their constitution to protect freedom.   In the last days they became just like America, or should I say, we have become like them.   Their beloved Senate, the champion of liberty in earlier years, became inept and unable to solve the smallest of problems.  The people grew tired and angry at the greed, corruption and inability of the Senate to work.   All the positions of government, tied to elected office, ended up costing more and more and more in campaign costs and bribes to win.  The people of ancient Rome, like America, loved the freebies.   Give us free bread and free Circuses, were their cry.   Way too many Americans have their hands out for the freebies, not realizing that there is nothing free.   All that is of value has to be worked for, by someone.  Wealth, does not come out of thin air.  The entire system was about to collapse, when finally,  Augustus came to the rescue,  and acting as if he did not want it, assumed full powers of absolute dictatorship.  And, there it was, the death of freedom, and few even noticed.

What are the dangers at this hour?   Could it be, that those who are enemies of liberty, from within our beloved halls of government, knew all along, that the accumulation of massive debts would lead to the destruction of our economy, and thus the necessity of  declaring emergency powers of government, and thus bringing about the death of the Constitution and our liberty?  In the future, perhaps a hundred years from now, if the Creator,  in His mercy delays the end, someone will investigate the times we now live in.   What will they find out?   What will they see?   What will they conclude?  Throughout human history, those that would destroy liberty, would always create a diversion to mislead the masses.   While the masses were consumed with the diversion, the enemies of freedom would do their unholy work.  Today, the news media, is the communicator of the diversion.   They seek to keep the attention of the American people on this story and that story,  that is usually of no real and lasting consequence, while all along, the real story, is completely ignored.  They do this and make a fast buck off the deception as well.   Like cattle led to the slaughter, the people,  blindly follow the lead, not knowing in the end, they are going to their death.

What can be done?   Many want an easy answer.   An answer that requires little sacrifice and little pain.  I am sorry, that is not the solution.  This Nation was born in blood, pain, sorrow, loss of money and property by private citizens with no hope of ever recovering it, loss of heath with the infliction of permanent disability due to war injuries, and the daily possibility of the loss of absolutely everything.  Many of the generation of 1776 were willing to risk it all.  They gave their all.   They put it all on the line.   They sacrificed so much.   They gave years of their lives to make this grand republic work.  Later generations would do the same.  Great national cemeteries commemorate their giving of their last measure of sacrifice and life.

President Kennedy once said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country."  For generations now, Americans have lived the good life.  We have overeaten, overspent, oversexed, over indulged in alcohol, and on and on, doing everything in excess.   We have been having a great, big party. The masses cry for things to be given to them free.   All Americans are guilty of this.   Nothing is free.  Nothing.   Wealth must be earned, the old fashion way, WORK.    But, the party is soon to be over.   The consequences of allowing the mental ward patients to escape and take over and run things, is about to come upon us all.  Years of neglect will lay upon us much pain.

What must we do?   Each of us as Americans must be ready.   We must now speak up and out and loud.  We must vote and vote the crooks out.   We must unite and form petitions to amend our Constitution,  (in another article on this blog, I have written about what this new amendment of freedom might look like), taking away much of the power of the Federal Government, reduce the size of government, enforce a balance budget amendment, secure the boarders, hold accountable with long prison sentences those in government who dare violate the Constitution, reform completely and overhaul the tax code, reaffirm the Bill of Rights, and completely reevaluate all our relations with the Nation's of the earth.   This we must do, to safeguard our freedoms, and preserve our Nation.  It will not be easy.   It will be hard, very hard.   It will take years.   It will take blood, sweat and tears.  There will be setbacks.   But, if our resolve is firm and true, in the end right will make might and justice and liberty will prevail.

Again, President Kennedy once said, "In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe."

I pray to God for the preservation of the United States of America and its beloved Constitution.  I pray for this generation of Americans, that we will have strong faith and courage to stand our ground for freedom, not only for ourselves, but for future generations.  God bless America!

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