Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Over the years of my life I have eaten out many, many times. I am still a frequent visitor to the restaurants of our area. In these places I observe all kinds of things. Especially the staff that works and serves me and all the customers.

It is our tradition and our culture to tip those that serve us. I always tip. I follow a standard rule of 20%. I have fussed at business associates who were cheap and were about to leave nothing or little. I find that very rude and I lose respect for those that are selfish and will not tip those that worked for them. Its just how I feel.

I think that we should be thankful and that is part of the Christian character. To be thankful means I express such and reward those that help me. Not because I must but because of who I am.

Sometimes I have given a tip even to one who was not that great. Why? Because I do not know their story. It could be they are carrying a terrible load of pain in their life and are deeply worried. It could be they have worked all day and received few tips from the selfish customers. It could be many things. I leave the tip to show that they are human and recognized as such and someone does care. People who work as waiters and waitresses do not do so for the joy of such but because they have to work to support themselves and their families. Many now days are single moms working hard. We should recognize that.

I have over the past few years been able to talk to these hard working people. I have invited them to church services and before my prayer for my food asked them if I could pray for anything for them. They are always surprised that I would ask.
Not long ago I was in a favorite restaurant and I noticed the lady that usually waited on me looking sad and down and out. I figured she had some burden to bear in life and that her day was not going that great. She was usually very cheerful. I had been blessed and made some extra money. I called her over before I was to leave to pay her for the meal and I said here is something extra for you. I hope you have a better day. God bless you. I placed in her hand a $100 bill. She walked away shocked. She left. I thought I had offended her and as I was walking out she ran after me in tears. She had gone to the back room and to her knees in thanks to God for what I had done. She hugged me and gave me a note that I will always treasure. Here is what she wrote, "Thank you for knowing when to give. I know that you are a very anointed one by the Holy One, cause only He knows the distress in someone's life. And He knows when to send someone. Thank you in Jesus Sweet Holy Name, Christine" I carry this note in my wallet always. Please do not think I am telling you this to make myself look good. I am made of the dust of the earth as all men and what little I have done like this is nothing compared to Him who has given me treasures. I tell you this only to say, that around us every day is treasures. It is human beings, made in God's image and each has a story to tell.
The next time you are served at that favorite eating place think of those that serve you. Think of their troubles and life and what they are trying to do. Look out for them as they look out for you. On another occasion, I saw while I was eating, a family being so rude to the lady serving them. They left and left the table in a awful mess. The waitress came back and was cleaning the table. No tip was left. She looked so tired and weary. I walked over and patted her back and said, I am sorry, but all is not lost, and handed her a generous tip. She smiled and thanked me. I wished her all the best and said, God bless you.

I did not always do what I have mentioned in this brief article but I am trying. Today, I ponder more these things then I did in earlier years. I am trying to learn more. I urge each of you to do the same. Show your character, show your heart, be kind and gentle to those you contact in life. It could be a dark day for that person and you could be the light that God sends to them.
You and I will be gone from this earth soon enough, make a difference in someone's life. God bless you all.

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