Sunday, July 21, 2013

Suggestion # 13 On Bible Study

Suggestion # 13 On Studying The Bible: How do we communicate the message of the Bible to others? Now, that is a task. Many feel they need no training on this subject. "Just tell it like it is" and "lay it on them", is the cry of many. "Let the chips fall where they may", still others will be heard to say.  
 Previous to this suggestion, I have given you twelve (12) other tips on how to study and learn the Bible. Before one can effectively teach others the message of the Bible, one must be sure of properly understanding the Word, themselves. You would not wish to mislead others and send them in the wrong direction, would you? One should always be motivated by love (Eph. 4:15). If you are not directed by love , then all you do is in vain (I Cor. 13:1ff).
 If you are going to explain to others the message of the Bible, here are some pointers. 1. Pray. 2. Be motivated by love. 3. Be sure you know what you are talking about, do your homework. 4. Listen to the person you are striving to teach. 5. Ask them questions and then let them answer. 6. Let them read from their own Bible aloud and then discuss it. 7. Seek to point out the true, Biblical ideas you both agree on. 8. Seek clarification. 9. Be sure you both are defining your words the same. 10. Respect the person you are teaching. If these ten things are followed, you will have an exciting and enjoyable Bible study. God bless you in teaching others about the Bible. In the process you will learn a great deal about the Bible and so will your student. Teaching the Word is a wonderful way to learn the Word.

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