Sunday, July 21, 2013

Suggestion # 14 On Bible Study

Suggestion # 14 On Studying The Bible: Fathers, spend time with your children reading and studying the Bible. Let me urge you to do this. You will spend time with them playing ball, going out to eat, and having fun. But, do you spend time cultivating the souls of your children. After all, the souls of your children is that part of them which will live for all eternity.   If you neglect your children's spiritual development, you have committed the greatest form of child abuse. 
 Make the time exciting. Read the text together. Let the children read and get excited reading it. You as the father, help them. Then, explain in your own words what they have learned. Let them explain in their words what they have learned. Listen eagerly to them and praise them for their insights. Tell them great Bible stories in your own way, so they get excited and thrilled by it Get animated and alive as you tell the story. You will build memories that will last a lifetime. The Bible teaches, "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." (Eph. 6:4). Long after you are gone from the earth, your children will be talking of their father and the times he told them Bible stories. They will pass such memories on to their children and from generation to generation. God be praised.

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