Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preaching Jesus

Here is the link to the trailer for a great movie. Peter and the Last Supper. I love this movie. I love the face of the one who portrays Christ. It is how I see him in the New Testament.

I pray to God that the day will come when in every Church in America  will be preaching and teaching on the glory of Jesus Christ. Christ is the solution to all our trials and problems. He is truly the Son of God, our Lord and Master. He is the power to change everything. He is the power to transform lives and congregations. Take the Sermon on the Mount. That powerful message in Matthew 5-7 tells the story. It portrays the message of Jesus, and there is a principle that will cover everything in life. In Jesus we draw strength and power. Churches that have Jesus ringing from the pulpit on a regular basis will be strong churches. There is a difference in preaching Jesus (I Cor. 2:2) and giving some speech. We have lots of speeches and information that is handed out but we have little of really preaching Jesus. Many give a speech, cite some verses, tell everyone they are going to hell if they do not agree with this or that and do this or that. They give lots of information. But, they are not preaching Jesus. Preaching Jesus with conviction, power, love, and the real truth. Not opinion and tradition, not a version of the "American Jesus" but, just the real Jesus. Preach Jesus. We need a restoration of PREACHING JESUS and ONLY JESUS in all our churches and across our land. What a revolution that would be, THE GLORY OF JESUS PROCLAIMED ALL OVER THE LAND! GOD BE PRAISED NOW AND FOREVER! GLORY UNTO JESUS, GLORY UNTO JESUS!
Every Sermon that is preached should ring with Jesus and what would Jesus want, how would He think!  What is saying to us?  After all, we all claim to be "Christians", do we not?   We are followers of Jesus, are we not?  Glory unto Him forever!

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