Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mysteries Of The Bible (7)

Ah, the mysteries of the Bible.  Amazing.   For all of my life there has been a cloud of mystery over the Bible.   I think it is because I know this, The Bible Came From God.   This is a most profound statement with far reaching consequences.   Most humans take this for granted.   I see TV programs talking about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Extraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. It is often also referred to as alien life, or simply aliens.

I know this.   Extraterrestrial life does exist.  It is God.   In addition there are  his Holy Angels, which we shall latter discuss in this series.  There are mighty forces of good and of evil in this physical universe that are clouded by mystery.  We shall discuss all this later.

I affirm this, a great power, a extraterrestrial life has originated the Bible, has touched it, has presented it to the earth and its inhabitants and has and continues to preserve it.

To those who  think they know all things about the Bible and who take it for granted or see it as just a book of words, beware.  For the powers that are of the Bible are far reaching.

In this installment, I continue from #6 to present the line of evidences for why we believe the Bible is of God and how we frame the argument to present to unbelievers.  Below is the argument stated again:

If the Bible fully claims to be the book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, and if, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins, then it is indeed, THE WORD OF GOD.

The Bible does exhibit claims to be the  book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages,  predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments  (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins.

Therefore, the Holy Bible is most certainly, the Word of God!

Let us think of the claims of the Bible.   Of course, I realize that many so called "sacred books" claim to be of a divine power.   I realize just claiming such does not make it so.   However, it is important to establish the admissions of the Bible.  If the Bible denied it was of God then that would settle the case and there would be no need to continue the debate.   But, yes, the Bible does indeed, confirm that it is the book of God.  Therefore, it is either the book of God or it is not.  If you do not believe the claims of such in the Bible,  then you must affirm that it is a book of lies and to be denied and rejected.  However, we beleive you will see that the Bible claims such and is indeed, the Word of God!

The main character of the OT is Moses.  "Moses then wrote down everything the Lord had said."  (Ex. 24:4).  "And the Lord said unto Moses, "Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel."  (Ex. 34:27).  In the first five books of the Bible it is declared some 420 times that the words you are reading are the very words of Almighty God.  The same type of claims are made all through the OT.  The phrase, "Thus saith the Lord" or something similar  to that appears some 80 times in the book of Isaiah alone.  Such  phrase as "Thus saith the Lord" or something equal is found over 2,000 times in all the OT.    Jesus said this of the OT,    "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."  (Matt. 5:17,18).  Jesus gives His certification to the inspiration of the OT.  In addition Jesus made clear that the Apostles and writers of the NT would be inspired and directed by God (Jn. 16:13).  Paul who wrote nearly half the NT affirmed what he was writing was indeed the Word of God (I Thess. 2:13).  What he wrote was the commands of God  (I Cor. 14:37).  Peter affirmed they preached and taught a message come from God (I Pet. 1:12).  Paul in the classic text of 2 Timothy 3:16,17 affirmed what God did in originating Scripture.   He inspired certain writers with the information that was needed to write the various words of the Bible.   Peter made clear in 2 Peter 1:21 that the men of God spoke as moved or directed by the Holy Spirit of God.  John ends the Revelation with these words which make abundantly clear that what he gave in the book in its words was indeed, the Word of God.  "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll." (Rev. 22:18,19).

Yes, the Bible claims to be of God.   That is in itself, profound.   Yes, there are other books of this earth that claim such, but there are not that many.   It is rather a unique affirmation.   A message from an all powerful being is being presented.   He is giving you the clues, the clues of life.   Some scientists talk of "radio messages" from outer  space and whether that proves, extraterrestrial life.  Yet, here in the Bible is the real message of great power from a life source not of this earth, the ALMIGHTY GOD!  We know many things of this great treasure, and many things are clouded in Mystery!  The Bible is the Greatest Single Book on Earth.   A message from beyond this world!

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