Saturday, July 13, 2013

Suggestion #5 On Bible Study

Suggestion # 5 On Studying The Bible: Bible Outlines. I love to outline the books of the Bible. I have boxes of notebooks spanning some 40 years. I think of outlines like when I was at the Grand Canyon and stood there on a high ridge looking out over that amazing place and seeing all the wonder of the canyon. Fantastic views. There I get the big picture. I see the big view. 

The same with the Bible. With outlines I stand on a high ridge to survey the big picture. In my early years I would seek out such outlines from others. I would read commentaries and see the outlines, usually at the beginning. I would listen to preachers and sometimes they would give an outline of a book. There are many books and sources of information. Find one that you like and enjoy. The following is a online site with good outlines of each book of the Bible. I also like the book, A BOOK-BY-BOOK STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT by Rubel Shelly. Also, there is the New Testament version by the same author. Outlines are a great way to get the feel of the book of the Bible that you are about to study. I like to use it at the beginning of my study and to continue to refer to it. Once you have read a book of the Bible many times and really studied the text, you will then feel comfortable to outline the book yourself. Thus, your on your way to really getting the true sense of that book of the Bible. Here is an example. Let us take the book of Philippians. Theme Verse: Philippians 1:21: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Chapter One: Christ As My Life. Chapter Two: Christ As My Example. Chapter Three: Christ As My Hope. Chapter Four: Christ As My Strength And Source of Supply. So, use outlines. Outline books of the Bible yourself. God bless you on the great adventure of Bible study.

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