Sunday, July 14, 2013

Suggestion # 6 On Bible Study

 Suggestion # 6 On Studying The Bible: Bible History. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is history. There is lots of history to the Bible. One will never fully grasp the power of the Bible without looking at its great history. In the Old Testament one should look at Ancient Egypt and the Egyptian world. The first five books of the OT were penned by a man of God, inspired, who grew up in Ancient Egypt. He was called of God to deliver God's people out of Egypt. The memory of Egypt will follow the Israelites all through the Old Testament periods. In addition, a study of Persia and Babylon add much to one's understanding of the OT. Of course studying the founding of Israel and its long history will form the cement to hold all the OT together. The period between the Testaments which was some 400 years is filled with an emphasis on Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire and the founding of the Roman World which then paves the way for the New Testament times. Rome shadows all of the 27 books of the New Testament. To fully comprehend the NT one must study the Roman world. Here is a good outline of Bible history you can see online.

Here is a great book to help.

Here is another book to help.

I love to study the history of Bible times. It helps open up my eyes to a real understanding of the Bible. God bless.

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