Monday, July 8, 2013

Mysteries of the Bible (2)

Before we approach the mysteries of the Bible, via the text itself, I would like to first spend time on some topics.   There is a great mystery to the Bible itself.   It has within itself a level of indestructibility,   It has a life force all of its own , to endure and survive the centuries of this earth,  and all the great powers who have tried so hard to destroy it. 

Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."  (Matt. 24:35). 

When the universe is destroyed and all stand before God to be judged, the Bible will be there.   No power on earth can destroy the magnificent word of God.   Many efforts have been put forth to destroy the Bible and discourage its printing and distribution.   All such efforts have failed.   The Bible endures.

It is like it has some kind of force field around it that protects it from man's efforts to destroy it.   Even those efforts to pervert it have failed.   Truth endures.   Truth crushed to the earth shill rise again.

So, I conclude there is a great mystery to the Bible and the fact that it cannot be destroyed.   It has a power within it that is  impossible to fully comprehend.   God is watching His Word on earth and He has no plans for any human to succeed in its destruction.

All the enemies of the Bible are perplexed in this matter.   However, we see it as a divine covenant from God to humanity.   His Word shall endure and it shall always endure.

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