Monday, July 8, 2013

Lessons From Ancient Rome

The glory that was once Rome is now over. Gone with the wind is the empire of great might and power. I believe Rome can still teach us a great deal. It can teach us that what a Nation believes in its religion can destroy the Nation. Rome's many religions and opposition to Christianity which was the truth, did contribute to its downfall. It can teach us that corruption in government can go too far and bring a Nation down. It can teach us that a system of dictatorship is a path to absolute desolation.

In addition Rome can teach us that excessive pleasure and lack of real work can undermine the economy and destroy the Nation. When more people have their hand out for the freebies then are working, you have big problems. Rome teaches us that in time the great military machine can break. When discipline and sacrifice and honor is thrown out the window, then the military will loose battles and soon the enemies are knocking at the gates.

Yes, Ancient Rome teaches us a great deal. You may think your Nation will always stand, but you will be wrong. Great Nations and powers come and go and this earth continues to circle the sun. The glory that was Rome is now ashes.

I pray America might learn from Rome and if so, then Rome still serves a good cause. But, will we listen? The ancient Romans would not listen to the lessons of history and so they died. America, as I see it now, is not listening to the lessons of history. Will we die as well?

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